
I'm working on new implementation for optimistic/serializable transaction
mode (current implementation is inefficient and have bugs). This mode is
supposed to be used when concurrent transactions do not update the same
keys, in this case transactions can be executed more efficiently, but if
concurrent transactions have read of write conflicts then
TransactionOptimisticException can be thrown and transaction should be
retried. Also with current transactions implementation user should order
updated keys, otherwise deadlock is possible, we want to remove this
requirement for optimistic/serializable mode.

Issue with read/write conflicts can be detected if when read is performed
entry version is stored and then compared with current version when
transaction lock is acquired.

Another issue is avoid deadlocks when transactions acquire keys in
different order.

I created one possible solution using 'try-lock' approach: for each cache
entry we already have queue with current lock owner and transactions trying
to acquire entry lock.
When optimistic/serializable transaction tries to acquire entry lock it
checks that entry is not locked and there are no others transactions
waiting for lock entry, otherwise transaction fails with
TransactionOptimisticException. But this approach does not work well when
two transaction have lot of intersecting keys: it is possible that these
transaction will constantly conflict and will both constantly fail with

It seems there is better approach to resolve these conflicts to do not fail
all conflicting transactions:
- we should order all transactions by some attribute (e.g. all transactions
already have unique version)
- transaction with greater order should always 'win' transaction with lower
- per-entry queue with waiting transactions should be sorted by this order
- when transaction tries to acquire entry lock it is added in waiting queue
if queue is empty or last waiting transaction have lower order, otherwise
transaction fails

With this approach transaction lock assignment is ordered and transactions
with lower order never wait for transactions with greater order, so this
algorithm should not cause deadlocks.

I also created unit test simulating this algorithm and it did not reveal
any issues. Also in this unit tests I measured percent of rollbacks when
concurrent updates have lots of conflicts: with 'try-lock' approach percent
of rollbacks is ~80%, with new algorithm is ~1% (but of course with
real-life test results can be different).

Does anyone see problems with this locking approach?

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