Thank you, Denis, for your explanation. Then, as I understand it, a lot of
reconnection in the ring cannot create even temporary but major problems
for performance. And in general this optimization will change practically
nothing. Or am I missing some things?

2016-12-26 12:20 GMT+03:00 Yakov Zhdanov <>:

> >>
> For example, ordering on latency:
> - nodes on one host = 1
> - nodes in one rack-blade = 2
> - nodes in one server-rack = 3
> - nodes in one physical cluster = 4
> - nodes in one subnet = 5
> - etc.
> Maybe it'll be better to use some metrics from ClusterMetrics interface.
> The algorithm of ordering can be implemented in a class such as Comparator
> and use it when we build a cluster or we select a place for a new node.
> >>
> Vyacheslav, please elaborate on how we can determine whether we are on the
> same rack. I am not sure this is possible in general case. Please see my
> suggestions below.
> >>
> However, here is the concern I have. Currently when a new node joins,
> coordinator assigns order number to this node (e.g. if we already have
> nodes 1,2 and 3, new node will have order 4). This node will then be the
> last one on the ring, i.e. nodes are always ordered in the ring by this
> order number (1->2->3->4->1). If we change this, we will basically allow a
> node to be placed anywhere else (smth like 1->2->4->3->1). I'm not 100%
> sure if this is going to cause issues, but sounds dangerous.
> Yakov, can you please chime in and share your thoughts on this?
> >>
> I don't think this may cause issues. Nodes ordering and placement is
> implemented in TcpDiscoveryNodesRing and I think that we will just need to
> alter org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.internal.TcpDiscoveryNodesRing#
> nextNode(java.util.Collection<org.apache.ignite.spi.
> discovery.tcp.internal.TcpDiscoveryNode>)
> logic.
> As far as design of this, I would suggest the following.
> 1.  User should have an ability to define ARC_ID for the node. I suggest
> "arc" for this since we are using "ring" concept. This will be the most
> honored characteristic for nodes placement. By default arc_id is 0 and
> possible to set with system property IGNITE_DISCO_ARC_ID or env variable or
> via TcpDiscoverySpi.setArcId() - new method.
> So, if I have nodes A, D, G with arc_id set to 1 and B, Z with arc_id set
> to 5 then ring should be built as follows: A->D->G->B->Z->A. Here arcs can
> represent different racks or data centers.
> I am strongly against giving user an opportunity to point exact place in
> the ring with somewhat like this interface [int getIdex(Node newNode,
> List<Node> currentRing)]. This is very error prone and may require tricky
> consistency checks just to make sure that implementation of this interface
> is consistent along the topology.
> With "arcs" approach user can automatically assign proper ids basing on
> physical network topology and network routes.
> 2. Subnet - 2nd honored parameter. Nodes on the same subnet should be
> placed side by side in the same arc.
> 3. Physical host - 3rd honored parameter. Nodes on the same physical host
> should be placed together automatically in the same arc.
> 4. New mode involving points 1-3 should become default and we should also
> provide ability to switch to current mode which should become legacy.
> --Yakov

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