Yes, it is relevant. All of these structures are not replaced with page

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 1:34 AM, Denis Magda <> wrote:

> Alex G.,
> Will this be still relevant in 2.0 when we’re expecting to release the
> page memory?
> —
> Denis
> On Jan 10, 2017, at 9:41 PM, Alexandr Kuramshin <>
> wrote:
> Hi community,
> I'd like to share my investigations about the subject.
> Even if the caches is off-heap and contains no data, the JVM heap memory
> consumed. I'm calling this feature "empty cache memory overhead"
> ("overhead" later for shot).
> The size of the memory consumed depends on many factors, and varying from 1
> to 50 Mb per cache on every node in the cluster.
> There is real systems uses >1000 caches within the cluster. So the heap
> memory consumed on each node will be 50 Gb or more.
> I've found that overhead mainly depends on this factors:
> 1) local partitions count assigned to the node by the affinity function;
> 1.a) total number of partitions of the affinity function;
> 1.b) number of backups;
> After analyzing heapdumps and the sources I've found this countable objects
> upon overhead depends:
> 1) First group.
> GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl = cache count
> GridDhtLocalPartition = cache count * local partitions count
> GridCircularBuffer$Item = cache count * local partitions count * item
> factor (default 32).
> Local partitions count = affinity function total partitions / node count *
> (1 + number of backups)
> Item factor = map capacity for storing ->
> IGNITE_ATOMIC_CACHE_DELETE_HISTORY_SIZE / affinity function partitions
> count, but minimum 20.
> Real values:
> GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl = 1000
> Affinity function total partitions = 1024
> Node count = 16
> Number of backups = 3
> Local partitions count = 256
> GridDhtLocalPartition = 256_000
> GridCircularBuffer$Item = 8_192_000
> 2) Second group.
> GridAffinityAssignmentCache = cache count * node count
> GridAffinityAssignment = cache count * node count * assignment factor
> Assignment factor depends on topology version and
> Real values:
> GridAffinityAssignmentCache = 16_000
> GridAffinityAssignment  = 112_000
> I think the implementation should be changed in the way the object counts
> should depends on cache data size. And the small (or empty) caches should
> be more lightweight as possible.
> --
> Thanks,
> Alexandr Kuramshin

Alexey Goncharuk
Lead Architect
GridGain Systems, Inc.

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