On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 10:56 AM, Denis Magda <dma...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello Vyacheslav, thanks for your efforts.
> Is there any special support for SQL? In the original discussion [1]
> around this task the folks expressed several concerns about compression
> usefulness w/o the ability to execute SQL queries over compressed data. In
> general it makes sense to run the discussion in [1].
> [1] http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.
> com/Data-compression-in-Ignite-2-0-td10099.html <http://apache-ignite-
> developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/Data-compression-in-
> Ignite-2-0-td10099.html>

I second Denis' concern. Compression is very useful, but we must be able to
use SQL queries on the compressed data. One way would be to make sure that
the indexes are not compressed, which would mean that we have to decompress
the value to update indexes, or do the reverse - compress it only after we
update the indexes.

Sergi, what do you think?

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