Hi, Igntrs!

I’m working on a ticket "Context switching for pessimistic transactions"

Goal of the ticket is to support transaction suspend()\resume() operations
for pessimistic transactions. Resume can be called in another thread.

Imagine, we started pessimistic transaction in thread T1 and then perform
put operation, which leads to sending GridDistributedLockRequest to another
node. Lock request contains thread id of the transaction. Then we call
suspend, resume in another thread and we also must send messages to other
nodes to change thread id.

It seems complicated task.It’s better to get rid of sending thread id to
the nodes.

We can use transaction xid on other nodes instead of thread id. Xid is sent
to nodes in GridDistributedLockRequest#nearXidVer

So I propose:

1) On remote nodes instead of thread id of near transaction
GridDistributedLockRequest#threadId use its xid

2) Remove usages of near transaction's thread id on remote nodes.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-5714

*Best Regards,*

*Kuznetsov Aleksey*

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