On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Alew <ale...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I use local cache and get a lot of warnings when execute ScanQueries.
> [13:26:25 WRN] <LocalUserActivity> Ignoring query projection because it's
> executed over LOCAL cache (only local node will be queried):
> GridCacheQueryAdapter [type=SCAN, clsName=null, clause=null,
> filter=o.a.i.i.processors.platform.cache.PlatformCacheEntryF
> ilterImpl@7629939a, transform=null, part=null, incMeta=false,
> metrics=GridCacheQueryMetricsAdapter [minTime=9223372036854775807,
> maxTime=0, sumTime=0, avgTime=0.0, execs=0, completed=0, fails=0],
> pageSize=1024, timeout=0, keepAll=true, incBackups=false, dedup=false,
> prj=o.a.i.i.cluster.ClusterGroupAdapter@708472f7, keepBinary=true,
> subjId=null, taskHash=0]
> What does it warn me about? Is it really warning?

Your cache is LOCAL, i.e. not distributed. This means that all the data is
located only on the local node. More on cache modes here:


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