
This looks like a bug as there is no way to provide cluster group for a
query in the latest versions. Can you create a Jira ticket and attach unit
test if you have one?


On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 4:11 PM, Alew <> wrote:

> Hi, Dmitriy
> Of course I understand what a local cache means and it is not a mistake.
> But why does Ignite warn me on every query?
> My logs full with this warning. Maybe log level should be information or
> debug.
> On 11/04/2018 01:33, Dmitriy Setrakyan wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Alew <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>>> I use local cache and get a lot of warnings when execute ScanQueries.
>>> [13:26:25 WRN] <LocalUserActivity> Ignoring query projection because it's
>>> executed over LOCAL cache (only local node will be queried):
>>> GridCacheQueryAdapter [type=SCAN, clsName=null, clause=null,
>>> filter=o.a.i.i.processors.platform.cache.PlatformCacheEntryF
>>> ilterImpl@7629939a, transform=null, part=null, incMeta=false,
>>> metrics=GridCacheQueryMetricsAdapter [minTime=9223372036854775807,
>>> maxTime=0, sumTime=0, avgTime=0.0, execs=0, completed=0, fails=0],
>>> pageSize=1024, timeout=0, keepAll=true, incBackups=false, dedup=false,
>>> prj=o.a.i.i.cluster.ClusterGroupAdapter@708472f7, keepBinary=true,
>>> subjId=null, taskHash=0]
>>> What does it warn me about? Is it really warning?
>>> Your cache is LOCAL, i.e. not distributed. This means that all the data
>> is
>> located only on the local node. More on cache modes here:
>> D.

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