
Almost every test in Ignite project has the following pattern: shared
*is defined as a field of a test class, which is then used in discovery
configuration in *getConfiguration(...)* method. There are more than 700
test classes with this setup.

But for some reason *TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder *is used in tests by
default. I don't think, that it should be used in tests at all, since
external nodes may accidentally affect test results.

The only case, where it makes sense is multi JVM tests. Shared static IP
finder is not applicable there, since nodes are run in different JVMs and
cannot share the same IP finder object.

I would like to change the default IP finder to a shared
*In cases, when *GridAbstractTest#isMultiJvm() *returns *true*, we could
fall back to multicast.

What do you think?


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