
According to javadoc [1] class ThreadLocal:
`ThreadLocal instances are typically private *static* fields in classes
that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g., a user ID or Transaction

So, AFAIK non-static ThreadLocal usage means as `per thread - per class
instance`. What the real cases of using non-static ThreadLocal class fields
in Ignite code project? When we need it?

In Ignite code project I've found ThreadLocal usage as:
 - non-static - 67
 - static  - 68

Back to my example, I've checked FileWriteAheadLogManager. It has:
1) private final ThreadLocal<Boolean> interrupted [2]
2) private final ThreadLocal<WALPointer> lastWALPtr [3]
I think both of these fields should be set and used as `static`. Can anyone
confirm it?

[1] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/ThreadLocal.html
Maxim Muzafarov

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