
I'm working with the wide range of cache configurations and found (from my
standpoint) the interesting point for the discussion:

Now we have following *writeSynchronizationMode *options:

   1. *FULL_ASYNC*
      -  primary partition updated asynchronously
      -  backup partitions updated asynchronously
      - primary partition updated synchronously
      - backup partitions updated asynchronously
   3. *FULL_SYNC*
      - primary partition updated synchronously
      - backup partitions updated synchronously

The approach above is covering everything if you've 0 or 1 backup.
But for 2 or more backups we can't reach the following case (something
between *PRIMARY_SYNC *and *FULL_SYNC*):
 - update for 1 primary and 1 backup synchronously
 - update the rest of backup partitions asynchronously

The idea is to join all current modes into single one and replace
*by the new option *syncPartitions=N* (not best name just for referring)
covers the approach:

   - N = 0 means *FULL_ASYNC*
   - N = (backups+1) means *FULL_SYNC*
   - 0 < N < (backups+1) means either *PRIMARY_SYNC *(N=1) or new mode
   described above

IMO it will allow to make more flexible and consistent configurations

Sergey Kozlov
GridGain Systems

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