Hello, Nikita.

Thanks for starting this discussion.

1. We should add prerequisites for "master key rotation process" in design.
Seems, it should be, "New master key available to EncryptionSPI for each server 

2. Please, use code formatting in wiki. It's make reading easier.

3. Please, clarify java API proposal. What will be changed and how.
AFAIK we need to change EncryptionSPI, this should be covered in design.

4. Please, clarify new CLI commands.
AFAIK we should have 2 command:

        1. Start regular master key rotation process.
        2. Start local master key rotation process during node recovery(for the 
case when key changed while node was down).

В Ср, 18/09/2019 в 16:09 +0300, Nikita Amelchev пишет:
> Hi, Igniters.
> I'm going to implement the ability to rotate the master encryption key
> (TDE Phase 2). [1]
> Master key rotation required in case of it compromising or at the end
> of crypto period(key validity period). I prepared the design. [2]
> In briefly, master keys will be identified by String masterKeyId. The
> concept of the masterKeyId will be added to the cache keys encryption
> process in EncryptionSpi.
> Users can configure master key id in IgniteConfiguration and will be
> able to manage the key rotation process from java API, JMX, CLI:
>  - ignite.encryption().changeMasterKey(String masterKeyId) - starts
> master key rotation process.
>  - String ignite.encryption().getMasterKeyId() - gets current master key id.
> Any thoughts?
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-12186
> [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=95652381

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