
I added these because they are infrastructural to Ignite, as opposed to
integrations. They are also both very slim.

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 6 мар. 2020 г. в 13:25, Stephen Darlington <

> Why ignite-jta and ignite-urideploy? Anecdotally at least, I know very few
> people who use either.
> > On 6 Mar 2020, at 11:09, Ilya Kasnacheev <ilya.kasnach...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello!
> >
> > Re-posting from *[DISCUSSION] Release Apache Ignite 2.8.0 RC1*
> >
> > I have prepared assemblies for Apache Ignite slim packaging:
> > https://github.com/apache/ignite/tree/ignite-slim
> >
> > It is based on ignite-2.8
> >
> > You can build it with mvn initialize -Prelease,lgpl
> -Dignite.edition=apache-
> > ignite-slim after a normal release build.
> >
> > Please consider the contents of resulting
> > target/bin/apache-ignite-slim-2.8.0-bin.zip
> > It will be a 65M download as opposed to main 455M apache-ignite-2.8.0
> > distribution.
> >
> > My suggestion is that we can publish it as a post-release step since it
> > does not affect the release in any way. If we do, we should probably
> > indicate size for every kind of artifact in our download section, so our
> > users can choose based on that information.
> >
> > The following modules are included:
> >
> > libs:
> > core/shmem/jcache
> > ignite-indexing
> > ignite-spring
> >
> > libs/optional:
> > ignite-compress  ignite-kubernetes  ignite-log4j2      ignite-rest-http
> > ignite-spring-data_2.2
> > ignite-jta       ignite-log4j       ignite-opencensus  ignite-slf4j
> > ignite-urideploy
> >
> > I have kept examples, but removed benchmarks. sqlline still present, of
> > course.
> >
> > ignite-zookeeper has a lot of dependencies (8M) which we do not update
> > often enough (such as guava, curator, jackson), and which may form an
> > attack surface.
> >
> > Not a pressing problem for 'integrated' ignite-zookeeper users, since
> they
> > can re-import these dependencies with more recent versions using maven or
> > gradle.
> > But for our users who rely on binary package for all JARs, outdated
> > dependencies may pose a problem.
> >
> > Therefore my opinion is to exclude this dependency and not put our faith
> on
> > zookeeper dependency version.
> >
> > The same can be put for ignite-compress, and indeed, I'm not sure if we
> > should keep it.
> >
> > We can have an ad-hoc vote here.
> >
> > I would like to hear arguments for both inclusion and exclusion of
> > ignite-zookeeper and ignite-compress into slim package (in any
> combination).
> >
> > I would also like to know if you want a formal vote on the issue.
> >
> > Regards,
> > --
> > Ilya Kasnacheev
> >
> >
> > пн, 27 янв. 2020 г. в 21:13, Denis Magda <dma...@apache.org>:
> >
> >> Alex, could you please list all the modules that will be excluded? It
> will
> >> help to confirm we haven't dumped anything essential.
> >>
> >> -
> >> Denis
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 12:33 AM Alexey Goncharuk <
> >> alexey.goncha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Got it, sounds good!
> >>> Should we consider the list of modules included in the slim package
> >>> finalized?
> >>>
> >>> чт, 16 янв. 2020 г. в 13:13, Igor Sapego <isap...@apache.org>:
> >>>
> >>>> Alexey, if I understand correctly, Ilya does not suggest to pre-built
> >>>> binaries, just to ship it with configure script pre-generated, which
> >>>> is a common practice for autotools packages. Building will be still
> >>>> required for the user, but there will be less requirements and
> >>>> possible errors during build.
> >>>>
> >>>> I like the idea. Let's do this.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best Regards,
> >>>> Igor
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 11:57 AM Alexey Goncharuk <
> >>>> alexey.goncha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> To me it doesn't really matter if it will be 'slim' or 'lite' :) I
> >>> would
> >>>>> not name it 'core' because indeed it would be confusing with the core
> >>>>> module name.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Agree that platforms support is useful, so I would keep them as Ilya
> >>>>> suggested. As for the C++ packages pre-build - let's hear out Igor's
> >>>>> opinion on this. Pre-built binaries certainly add usability, but I am
> >>> not
> >>>>> sure how those binaries should be tested afterwards.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ср, 15 янв. 2020 г. в 18:33, Alexey Kuznetsov <akuznet...@apache.org
> >>> :
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> I'm +1 for "SLIM" it is a common name in Docker world.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 9:48 PM Petr Ivanov <mr.wei...@gmail.com>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> +1 for slim binary
> >>>>>>> Plus docker-slim
> >>>>>>> Plus RPM / DEB packages modularisation like PHP distribution —
> >> with
> >>>>> core
> >>>>>>> and lots of integrations / modules.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On 15 Jan 2020, at 17:40, Ilya Kasnacheev <
> >>>> ilya.kasnach...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Hello!
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I think we should name it "core" since we already have
> >>> ignite-core
> >>>>> and
> >>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>> will be confusing. Maybe we should go full 00s and call it
> >>> "lite"?
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I also think we should keep both .Net and C++. .Net is runnable
> >>> out
> >>>>> of
> >>>>>>> box
> >>>>>>>> which is awesome, and C++ needs building but it is rather small
> >>> in
> >>>>>> source
> >>>>>>>> form.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I also suggest a different change to build process. Let's ship
> >>> C++
> >>>>> with
> >>>>>>>> automake, etc, already run, for all binary packaging options?
> >>>> WDYT? I
> >>>>>> can
> >>>>>>>> assist in build process tuning.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>> Ilya Kasnacheev
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> ср, 15 янв. 2020 г. в 17:18, Denis Magda <dma...@apache.org>:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Alex,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I'm on your end and support the proposal. Could you also
> >> clarify
> >>>> if
> >>>>>> you
> >>>>>>>>> suggest we keeping or removing C++ and .NET thick clients?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Speaking of the naming, how about titling such packages as
> >>> 'core'
> >>>>>>> instead
> >>>>>>>>> of 'slim', i.e., 'apache-ignite-core-{version}'?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> -
> >>>>>>>>> Denis
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 5:17 AM Ilya Kasnacheev <
> >>>>>>> ilya.kasnach...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hello!
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Pavel, I believe these JARs are fully covered by the list of
> >>>>> modules
> >>>>>>>>>> specified above.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>> Ilya Kasnacheev
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> ср, 15 янв. 2020 г. в 14:50, Pavel Tupitsyn <
> >>>> ptupit...@apache.org
> >>>>>> :
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> I like the idea, current distribution is certainly too big.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Here is a list of jar files we include in NuGet package:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> cache-api-1.0.0.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> commons-codec-1.11.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> h2-1.4.197.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> ignite-core-2.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> ignite-indexing-2.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> ignite-shmem-1.0.0.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> ignite-spring-2.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> lucene-analyzers-common-7.4.0.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> lucene-core-7.4.0.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> lucene-queryparser-7.4.0.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-aop-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-beans-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-context-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-core-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-expression-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-jdbc-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>> spring-tx-4.3.18.RELEASE.jar
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Those are required for SQL and Spring configs to work
> >>> properly,
> >>>>>>>>>>> maybe we want to include them into the slim distro as well.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 2:25 PM Ilya Kasnacheev <
> >>>>>>>>>> ilya.kasnach...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hello!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> This is a reasonable idea.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I think we should also drop benchmarks/ directory from that
> >>>>> build,
> >>>>>>>>> it's
> >>>>>>>>>>> 60M
> >>>>>>>>>>>> of (potentially vulnerable) JARs that are not needed by an
> >>>>> average
> >>>>>>>>>>>> developer's use cases.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Ilya Kasnacheev
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> ср, 15 янв. 2020 г. в 13:10, Alexey Goncharuk <
> >>>>>>>>>>> alexey.goncha...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> :
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Igniters,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to discuss with the community a possibility
> >> to
> >>>>> create
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> additional 'slim' binary releases and docker images for
> >>> Apache
> >>>>>>>>>> Ignite.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> The
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> reason is two-fold:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * The full set of 3rd party libraries distributed with
> >>> Apache
> >>>>>>>>> Ignite
> >>>>>>>>>>>> looks
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> too large for me. I know there is an ongoing activity
> >>> towards
> >>>>> more
> >>>>>>>>>>> clear
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ignite modularization [1][2][3], but this seems to be
> >> quite
> >>> a
> >>>>> long
> >>>>>>>>>>>> process.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On the other hand, creating a slim release may give an
> >>>> immediate
> >>>>>>>>>>> benefit
> >>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the users who are interested in a smaller image. For
> >>> example,
> >>>>>>>>>> removing
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> benchmarks alone from the binary release saves 80M.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * As Ilya Kasnacheev demonstrated [4], the more 3rd party
> >>>>>>>>> libraries
> >>>>>>>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> have, the more potential vulnerabilities will show up in
> >>> audit
> >>>>>>>>> tools.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> This
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> may be a formal barrier for Apache Ignite adoption and
> >>> moving
> >>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> production
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> for many users. Having a slim image with the minimum
> >> number
> >>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>> dependencies
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> (yet complete enough to fit the majority of use-cases)
> >>>>>>>>> significantly
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> reduces this risk.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder what community thinks regarding this idea? Given
> >>> the
> >>>>>>>>> recent
> >>>>>>>>>>>> study
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> of Apache Ignite use-cases, I suggest the following list
> >> of
> >>>>>> modules
> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>> be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> included to the slim release/image (a subject to discuss,
> >> of
> >>>>>>>>> course):
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-core
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-indexing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-rest-http
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-spring
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-log4j
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-log4j2
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-slf4j
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-urideploy
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-kubernetes
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> * ignite-opencensus
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/DISCUSSION-Ignite-3-0-and-to-be-removed-list-td42330.html
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/IGNITE-12358-Migrate-ZeroMQ-module-to-ignite-extensions-td45067.html
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> [3]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/IGNITE-12361-Migrate-Flume-module-to-ignite-extensions-td45010.html
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> [4]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/Apache-Ignite-2-8-RELEASE-Time-Scope-Manager-td43616i100.html#a44994
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> --AG
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> Alexey Kuznetsov
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>

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