Hello Igniters !
In the process of Ignite usage i found that some part of Compute functionality 
are thread unsafe and seems was designed with such limitations initially.
Example : one (client, but it doesn`t matter at all) instance is shared between 
numerous of fabric, all of them calls something like :
IgniteCompute#execute(ComputeTask<T,R>, T)
IgniteCompute#execute(java.lang.Class<? extends ComputeTask<T,R>>, T)
and appropriate «async» methods — what kind of instance will be called is 
nondeterministic for now and as a confirmation of my words — i found no tests 
covered multi thread usage of Computing i also found nothing on documentation 
page [1].
We have all necessary info for correct processing of such cases:
from initiator (ignite.compute(...) starter) side we have Class or it instance 
and appropriate class loader which will be wired by class loader id from 
execution side.
I create a fix and seems all work perfectly well besides one place, this 
functionality : 
 * Executes given task within the cluster group. For step-by-step explanation 
of task execution process
 * refer to {@link ComputeTask} documentation.
 * <p>
 * If task for given name has not been deployed yet, then {@code taskName} will 
 * used as task class name to auto-deploy the task (see {@link 
#localDeployTask(Class, ClassLoader)} method).
public <T, R> R execute(String taskName, T arg) throws IgniteException;
and attendant 
 * Finds class loader for the given class.
 * @param rsrcName Class name or class alias to find class loader for.
 * @return Deployed class loader, or {@code null} if not deployed.
public DeploymentResource findResource(String rsrcName);
is thread unsafe by default, no guarantee that concurrent call of  
localDeployTask and  execute  will bring expected result.
My proposal is to deprecate (or probably annotate [2], as a minimal — 
additionally document it) this methods and to append additional :
public DeploymentResource findResource(String rsrcName, ClassLoader clsLdr);
Only one problem i can observe here, if someone creates new class loaders and 
appropriate class instances in loop (i don`t know the purpose) and doesn`t 
undeploy them then he will get possibly OOM here.
Such approach will give a possibility to use compute in concurrent scenario. If 
there is no objections here i will mark this methods and publish my PR, of 
course with additional tests.
What do you think ?
[1]  https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/code-deployment/peer-class-loading
[2] https://jcip.net/annotations/doc/net/jcip/annotations/NotThreadSafe.html

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