Impala community,

For years now, Impala has utilized tarballs built by Cloudera and uploaded
to S3 for running most of the Hadoop components in the testing minicluster.
The one exception to this is Kudu, which is instead provided by the

This was never ideal - native-toolchain makes more sense for libraries
where we want to build against a fairly static version, but Kudu is under
active development and we'd like to always build against a relatively
up-to-date version. As a result, patches just bumping the version of Kudu
make up a significant portion of the commit history of native-toolchain.

Thanks to work I'm currently doing at Cloudera, there will soon be snapshot
tarballs of Kudu getting uploaded to S3 along with the other Hadoop
components. I would like to propose that Impala switch to using those
instead of the toolchain Kudu.

One problem here is that the new Kudu tarballs will not be getting build
for Ubuntu 14.04, only 16.04, but we still officially say we support
development on 14.04.

One option here would be to maintain the toolchain Kudu for now and hide
downloading of the new tarballs behind a flag. We could also postpone some
of this work until 14.04 is less common. Or, given that the
bootstrap_development script already only supports 16.04, we might want to
just drop support for building on 14.04.


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