Thank you for all of the suggestions

> - A couple places seem to keep a Cloudera copyright/license - eg
> common/thrift/beeswax.thrift,, etc. (I grepped for
> Cloudera and found these). Should probably check over these and fix before
> the "real" RC.


> - I tried building using '' but it failed with 'fatal: Not a git
> repository' when trying to do a git clean. Maybe some tweaks need to be
> made so that Impala can be built from a tarball? I worked around it using
> 'git init' inside my extracted directory.

When this is in master, I'll cherry-pick it to branch-2.7.0

> - would be nice if the version number didn't have 'cdh5' in it (eg
> impala-shell-2.7.0-cdh5-INTERNAL, seems to come from bin/,
> bin/, etc). Should probably be '2.7.0-incubating'

Lars is working on this now:

Some possibilities for 2.7.0:

1. Leave it. Pros: expedient; Cons: inaccurate, not Apache

2. Wait until we can change this is master without confusing existing
tools. Pros: clean; Cons: delay in releasing

3. Make a commit just to branch-2.7.0. Pros: Doesn't confuse existing
tools; Cons: Makes branch-2.7.0 not a pure subset of master.

What does everyone think?

> - can't seem to use testdata/bin/ to start DFS. I get:
> Starting hdfs (Web UI - http://localhost:5070)
> Failed to start hdfs-datanode. The end of the log
> (/tmp/incubator-impala/testdata/cluster/cdh5/node-2/var/log/hdfs-datanode.out)
> is:
> Failed to start hdfs-datanode. The end of the log
> (/tmp/incubator-impala/testdata/cluster/cdh5/node-3/var/log/hdfs-datanode.out)
> is:
> Failed to start hdfs-datanode. The end of the log
> (/tmp/incubator-impala/testdata/cluster/cdh5/node-1/var/log/hdfs-datanode.out)
> is:
> That said, it appears that impalad built OK (with -notests)

I could fix this by making sure IMPALA_HOME was set correctly and
sourcing bin/

> some nits/suggestions (ok to address in a later release:
> - a few mentions of 'Cloudera Impala' in the various pom files


> - would be great if could check if there is enough remaining
> space on the drive before building. I had 20GB free but still ran out of
> space trying to do the default build (had to rebuild with -notests)


> - consider setting up a cloudfront distribution in front of the
> native-toolchain S3 bucket? It downloads pretty slowly for me


> -- related: consider stripping debug info from some of the built deps? eg
> Kudu is 500+MB which seems unnecessary for a test dependency.

Which object is this? I don't find it.

$ find . -iname '*kudu*' -size +100M | wc -l

Thanks again, Todd! Your input as our mentor has been invaluable.

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