Hi Xiangdong,

thanks for the clarification, indeed, then I was wrong.
In the light of that, I'm unsure whether I like the idea to allow dots for the 
names or if these should keep forbidden.
This makes it (visibily) clear what part is the measurement and what is the 


Am 07.03.19, 10:04 schrieb "Xiangdong Huang" <saint...@gmail.com>:

    @Julian I think we support what you want now..
    for example, you can create 3 timeseries by:
    set storage group to root.sg1;
    create timeseries root.sg1.location1.deviceType1.deviceID.m1 with
    datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE;
    create timeseries root.sg1.location1.deviceType2.deviceID.m1 with
    datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE;
    create timeseries root.sg1.location2.deviceType1.deviceID.m1 with
    datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE;
    Then, if you run:
    `select m1 from root.sg1.*.deviceType1.deviceID`
    `select deviceType1.deviceID.m1 from root.*`
    you will get the data of  `root.sg1.location1.deviceType1.deviceID.m1`  and
    Actually we manage the metadata of measurements (rather than each
    timeseries) on each storage group, for reduce memory cost and convert the
    schema to a table.
    ( That is, you can not create a timeseries in sg1 storage group like:
    create timeseries root.sg1.location1.deviceType3.deviceID.m1 with
    datatype=INT32, encoding=RLE;
    In this example, `m1` is defined as INT32, but it has been claimed as FLOAT
    in timeseries  `root.sg1.location1.deviceType1.deviceID.m1`
    But, if you create a new storage group `sg2`, you can define `m1` in `sg2`
    as INT32 while `m1` in `sg1` is FLOAT)
    So, it is important for IoTDB to recognize which is the measurement name
    from a path. @Marko, that is why I said add a dot in the measurement will
    cause many modifications.
    (Maybe not to many... we just need to let users claim which part of a path
    is a measurement name, and record it on disk, rather than just split the
    path with a dot symbol and use the last substring).
    Xiangdong Huang
    School of Software, Tsinghua University
    清华大学 软件学院
    Julian Feinauer <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de> 于2019年3月7日周四 下午4:03写道:
    > Hi Xiangdong,
    > what do you think of a subtile generalization of the current "device"
    > approach.
    > If we would allow dots in the name, we could the possibility to create
    > "trees" like its done e.g. for akka actors [1] or MQTT Topics [2].
    > What I mean is that one could add more information in the "path" of a
    > device to allow for filtering.
    > Think of the three devices
    > "location1.deviceType1.deviceId"
    > "location1.deviceType2.deviceId"
    > "location2.deviceType1.deviceId"
    > Then I gould ask for:
    > "all devices from location 1" with "location.*
    > "all devices of type 2" with "%.deviceType2.%"
    > "all devices" with "*"
    > (where * means match multiple "hierarchies" and "%" menas match one
    > hierarchy, a bit how MQTT does it with # and *).
    > I think this would be really cool, to also allow these "device paths" for
    > queries.
    > What do you think?
    > Julian
    > [1] https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/general/addressing.html
    > [2]
    > Am 07.03.19, 05:40 schrieb "Xiangdong Huang" <saint...@gmail.com>:
    >     Hi,
    >     It seems this will cause a big modification... (Change the Path class
    > is
    >     easy, but it will lead to a confusion for SQL layer..) A solution is
    > needed
    >     to let SQL recognize that.
    >     I have created a issue on JIRA:
    >     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IOTDB-38
    >     Best,
    >     -----------------------------------
    >     Xiangdong Huang
    >     School of Software, Tsinghua University
    >      黄向东
    >     清华大学 软件学院
    >     Marko Friedemann <marko@friedemann.email> 于2019年3月7日周四 上午4:06写道:
    >     > Hey,
    >     >
    >     > I want to report an issue with tsfile, specifically its query
    > capabilities.
    >     >
    >     > The two-argument constructor for
    > org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.read.common.Path
    >     > that is now available in the apache incubator project still does not
    > allow
    >     > proper construction of a path where the measurement name contains
    > dots.
    >     >
    >     > Specifically, the issue is that the two-argument constructor
    > concatenates
    >     > the two arguments with a path-separator character (the dot) and then
    > splits
    >     > the result again, using the seperator (the dot), instead of just
    > using the
    >     > supplied arguments as they are.
    >     > This results in the path components being incorrect (device
    > basically runs
    >     > to lastIndexOf('.') for the full path) and the query failing.
    >     >
    >     > The rest of tsfile's write/read/query functionality doesn't seem to
    > mind
    >     > measurement names that contain dots (think RDF and IRIs) and the
    > intended
    >     > query can be run with a minor fix by sub-classing the Path class.
    >     > (Unfortunately, Path::init() is also private, so the work-around is
    > not
    >     > readily possible.)
    >     >
    >     > Regards,
    >     > Marko Friedemann
    >     >

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