Dear all,
I am writing to share my experiences and concerns regarding my contributions to 
IoTDB. I appreciate your time in reading this and hope that my feedback will be 
taken constructively.

Here is my experience when submitting pr to apache IoTDB:
On 2023/09/13, I used iotdb at work and found a little problem with group by 
year, so I submitted issues
On 2023/09/18, After this I submitted a useless PR without reading the source code or 
testing it myself, it was really the first time I submitted a PR for an open 
source component, but fortunately @HTHou viewed the PR and still replied to me, 
so I decided to read the source code and fix the issues. I realized that iotdb 
currently does not support the "1mo1d" scenario based on group by nature month. 
So I decided to try to finish this part as well.


On 2023/10/11, After reading the source code, I found new bugs, I was motivated to fix them and 
work on them over and over again, trying to do my best to make it better, and 
then I submitted a new PR, expecting 
anyone to give better suggestions. However, I found that IoTDB doesn't seem to 
welcome PRs from the outside, because I have been paying attention to this 
matter in the past few days, and for internal PRs, It's always handled in a 
timely manner, while for PRs from the outside, it seems to be another kind of 
attitude. After I asked to the relevant people in the community WeChat group, 
someone did review it on the same day, but after I replied to them one by one, 
there was no more responses.  
It's now October 31st, 2023, and another two weeks have passed. This 
discrepancy in response time and engagement deeply concerns me. I fail to 
understand why there is such a distinction between internal and external 
contributions. I believe that this disparity could have a detrimental impact on 
the promotion and adoption of IoTDB. People who face similar experiences might 
have a hard time recommending IoTDB to his friends.

I kindly request that you address this issue and ensure that external 
contributors receive fair and timely feedback. A more inclusive and responsive 
approach will not only enhance the reputation of IoTDB but also encourage more 
active participation from the open-source community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response 
and hope for a positive resolution.

Best regards

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