As the current (and first) PMC chair for Apache Isis, I want to make sure
that we are compliant with the ASF's branding requirements.

Using [1] as my reference:

* our site [2]  has a TM on the header
* our site has a short description on the home page, repeated on the
download page [3]
* our site has the required prominent link to main Apache pages on the
* there is a DOAP file that has been registered (also referenced at [4]).

With respect to the description, it suggests that "it's best to pass the
sample description by trademarks@ and/or legal-internal@, to ensure it's a
proper trademark goods description".

Accordingly, the description we have on our home page about Apache Isis

*Apache Isis is a framework for rapidly developing domain-driven apps in
Java. Write your business logic in entities, domain services and
repositories, and the framework dynamically (at runtime) generates a
representation of that domain model as a webapp or as a RESTful API. Use
for prototyping or production.*

>From your perspective, is there anything that I've missed or should change
in the above description?

Apache Isis PMC Chair


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