Just an fyi, all the points you raised have now been addressed,
* production description now says "Apache Isis software ... "
* footer attribution line
* TM included in logo
* ASF mailing list archives now referenced

We also some ideas to pep up the site a little and make it a bit more

Thanks again for your feedback

On 16 January 2013 13:45, Shane Curcuru <> wrote:

> (Please note the differing list archive policies)
> Thanks for your diligence in checking your project branding!  Overall the
> Isis site looks good, although I have a few minor corrections that the PMC
> should make as time permits.
> - The product description should treat "Isis" as an adjective describing
> what the product is, namely, software.  The minimal change to the
> description would be "Apache Isis software is a framework..."
> I know this often makes for slightly odd sounding grammar, but it is
> helpful in ensuring our ability to defend Apache marks, since from the
> legal perspective, trademark protections are extended to the descriptive
> adjective.
> - The attribution line in the footer should be updated to be: "Apache
> Isis, Isis, Apache,..." to add a specific attribution of the "Isis" name.
>  We claim both Apache Isis and Isis as trademarks for your software, since
> in common usage, many developers skip saying the "Apache" beforehand.
> - You should have a small TM embedded in the Isis project logo.  This
> ensures we can defend the logo as a trademark.
> These are minor but important issues, so the PMC should please ensure to
> address them when you have time to do website updates (i.e. it's not a
> rush).  It's great to see a PMC asking for feedback on branding - thanks!
> ----
> Separately, the logo looks great; very attractive.  The overall look and
> feel of the site is very clean.
> The documentation page has a great indexing into the different kinds of
> documentation - very helpful to have a thorough listing of different ways
> to learn about the project (and the code) in one place.
> The site does look a little sparse.  From the marketing perspective, it
> feels like having a few other teasers of what kinds of things users might
> want to use Isis for on the homepage, as a way of drawing new users into
> the project.
> Also, I might include an archive link to the Apache mail archives along
> with the MarkMail links.  While I love MarkMail's interface too, we should
> ensure we always provide users with links to official ASF services like
> mail archives too.  This is because we can't guarantee that third party
> services will remain active over the long haul, while ASF infra will ensure
> that our mail archive links work... as long as there's an ASF.
> Note: these are all just observations; this kind of website detail is
> completely up to the PMC to determine, so feel free to ignore me on this
> stuff.  8-)
> Thanks!
> - Shane Curcuru
>   VP, Brand Management
>   The Apache Software Foundation
> P.S. Apologies for the delay, I had a death in the family recently.
> On 1/3/2013 6:01 AM, Dan Haywood wrote:
>> As the current (and first) PMC chair for Apache Isis, I want to make
>> sure that we are compliant with the ASF's branding requirements.
>> Using [1] as my reference:
>> * our site [2]  has a TM on the header
>> * our site has a short description on the home page, repeated on the
>> download page [3]
>> * our site has the required prominent link to main Apache pages on the
>> header.
>> * there is a DOAP file that has been registered (also referenced at [4]).
>> With respect to the description, it suggests that "it's best to pass the
>> sample description by trademarks@ and/or legal-internal@, to ensure it's
>> a proper trademark goods description".
>> Accordingly, the description we have on our home page about Apache Isis
>> says:
>> /Apache Isis is a framework for rapidly developing domain-driven apps in
>> Java. Write your business logic in entities, domain services and
>> repositories, and the framework dynamically (at runtime) generates a
>> representation of that domain model as a webapp or as a RESTful API. Use
>> for prototyping or production./
>>  From your perspective, is there anything that I've missed or should
>> change in the above description?
>> Thanks
>> Dan
>> Apache Isis PMC Chair
>> [1] 
>> [2]
>> [3] 
>> [4] 

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