Hi Dan.

Just search for all tickets containing “wrap” and didn’t find one related to 
this proposal …

Can create one.

> El 5 ene 2018, a las 13:47, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 
> escribió:
> Thanks, Oscar.
> Yes, I forgot that, but you are right, we did say at the mini-conf back in
> Jun that this would be in scope for 2.0.0.  It probably should be
> configurable so it can be disabled if nec, but by default be enabled.
> Is there a ticket for it, do you happen to know?
> Thx
> Dan
> On Fri, 5 Jan 2018 at 12:44 Óscar Bou <oscar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> I would also considered the “always wrapped” theme, as a way to ensure
>> Domain Entities always are conformant to their hide/disable/validate
>> constraints (and other forced through actions).
>> To me that was a very compelling feature at the very beginning (despite of
>> the current cost of invoking always wrapped).
>> Sure it has avoided many, many bugs in production and have ease testing a
>> lot.
>> I would propose this the default behaviour, but perhaps others think
>> different.
>> Probably it might be disabled (i.e., optional).
>> Regards,
>> Oscar
>>> El 5 ene 2018, a las 13:38, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk>
>> escribió:
>>> Folks,
>>> as you saw, I cut a 1.16.0-RC1 release yesterday.  If this passes the
>> vote,
>>> I propose this to be the last release in the 1.x codeline.
>>> For 2.0.0 we have several themes:
>>> - move to JDK8
>>> - upgrade to DN 5.1
>>> - compatibility with JEE 7
>>> - meta-annotations
>>> - remove deprecations
>>> Quite a bit of work has been done in these areas already, but to reduce
>> the
>>> risk I propose that we have a number of milestone releases.  The Apache
>>> Wicket project does this for the major releases, as do others I'm sure,
>> and
>>> I think it's a good practice to follow.
>>> For 2.0.0-M1, I propose:
>>> - move to JDK8
>>> - remove deprecations
>>> - meta-annotations
>>> For 2.0.0-M2, I propose
>>> - upgrade to DN 5.1
>>> - compatibility with JEE 7
>>> You'll see that I've created releases in Isis for this (see our kanban
>>> board [1]).  In git there's also two branches:
>>> - dev/2.0.0-M1
>>> - dev/2.0.0-M2
>>> When 1.16.0 is released, I'll merge into dev/2.0.0-M1.
>>> I suggest that new tickets are done as feature branches of either of
>>> these.  This will then make it easy to (later on) rebase all of
>>> dev/2.0.0-M2 onto dev/2.0.0-M1 (and similarly for any -M3, -M4 branches
>> we
>>> might decide to have).
>>> Let me know if you have any thoughts/refinements/concerns relating to the
>>> above
>>> Thx
>>> Dan
>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=87

Óscar Bou Bou
Socio - IT & GRC Management Services Director
m: +34 620 267 520
s:  <http://www.govertis.com/>www.govertis.com <http://www.govertis.com/> e: 
o....@govertis.com <mailto:o....@govertis.com>

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscarbou 
Twitter:        @oscarbou <https://twitter.com/oscarbou>

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