
On 8/4/06, Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1/ I disagree. It is a better programming practice not to launch exception
for this kind of issues. Besides, there should be a way to check if the
namespace is already or not registered. Maybe something to add to the next
version of JCR? What do you think?

Agreed, but adding a custom method for checking namespace existence
increases the coupling between the backup tool and Jackrabbit.
Actually, you may want to use the safeRegisterNamespace() method I
added a few months ago. Proposing to add that in JSR 283 is also an
option, though I'm not sure if the use case is critical enough to
warrant inclusion in the standard.

3/4/5/ I will delete the backup code + restore code. Maybe I should just
comment it, in case we need in later. What do you think?

Sounds good.


Jukka Zitting

Yukatan - http://yukatan.fi/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software craftsmanship, JCR consulting, and Java development

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