
Based on private discussions I'd like to raise the issue of the
accessibility of the Jackrabbit core codebase. We have a small number
of people who are intimately familiar with the core codebase (see the
numbers below), but others find the core hard to navigate and that
this drives up the barrier of entry of contributing to Jackrabbit.

Please share any good ideas on how we could best lower the barrier.
I'm open to all sorts of ideas, like more documentation (javadocs, UML
diagrams, architectural descriptions, etc.), scheduled Q&A sessions on
IRC, an informal Jackrabbit workshop during the Hackathon in
ApacheCon, etc. I'm also interested in the priorities, i.e. what would
give us the most "bang for buck" in terms of making it easier for
people to get familiar with the Jackrabbit core and start

$ svn log src/main/java/org/apache/jackrabbit/core | \
 perl -lne '/^r[0-9]+ \| (.*?) \|/ and print $1' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
   371 stefan
   199 tripod
   185 mreutegg
   127 jukka
    27 dpfister
    13 fielding
    10 angela
     4 fmeschbe
     3 edgarpoce
     2 sylvain


Jukka Zitting

Yukatan - http://yukatan.fi/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software craftsmanship, JCR consulting, and Java development

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