Following the issue on the jackrabbit core dependency ( and seeing other dependency
issues, I would like to reorganize the OCM contrib.
Indeed, the subproject jcr-mapping & annotation should not depend on :
- Jackrabbit core
- Digester
- Lucene
- Derby
-  ...

Of course, we still need those dependencies in the unit tests.

Furthermore, the jcr-mapping which is the ocm core should not depend  on the
DigesterMapper & Reader impl and finally the jcr-nodemanagement should have
a different implementation for each JCR repo.

Is it make sense for you if we reorganize the ocm contrib with the following
subprojects :
1/ core ( now called jcr-mapping).
2/ mapper (which will contains different subprojects / one per Mapper impl
(digester, annotation, ...)
3/ nodemanagement (now called jcr-nodemanagement). It will contains
different subprojects / one per JCR repo impl.

The current subproject annotation will be move under the subproject mapper.
Last point, I would like to use the same unit tests for the different mapper
impl. I don't want to write duplicate unit tests. I don't know how we can
avoid this situation. still thinking about that ...

What do you think about that ?


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