Jukka Zitting schrieb:

On Jan 21, 2008 10:36 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
after updating to jackrabbit 1.4 I noticed that the Locked class has
moved from the jcr-commons to the spi-commons package.

Now, this may be a dumb question, but why this move? The Locked class
has been a utility class which was usable with any jcr implementation as
no jackrabbit specific code is required. Now I need dependencies to
jackrabbit spi just in order to use this simple class :(

Good point.

AFAIK the main reason for the move are the five imports to name
handling classes in spi-commons. We don't want to make jcr-commons
depend on spi-commons and so once the name classes were moved, Locked
had to follow.

However, looking at the code in more detail, the only use for the name
handling classes is to calculate the prefixed name of "mix:lockable"
(it can't be hardcoded as "mix:" could be remapped). We could remove
the dependency fairly easily with a Session.getNamespacePrefix() call.

Luckily, to avoid breaking existing clients, we just deprecated the
Locked class in jcr-commons instead of removing it. I guess the proper
solution is then to file a bug about improper deprecation and we'll
drop the @deprecated mark along with the spi-commons dependency in the
1.4.1 release.

I filed a bug - thanks


Carsten Ziegeler

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