
I have posted a candidate for the Apache Jackrabbit 1.5.0 release at


See the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file (also included at the end of this
message) for details on release contents and latest changes. The
release candidate is a jar archive of the sources in
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jackrabbit/tags/1.5.0. The SHA1
checksum of the jackrabbit-1.5.0-src.jar release package is

Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Jackrabbit 1.5.0. The
vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
least three +1 Jackrabbit PMC votes are cast.

    [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Jackrabbit 1.5.0
    [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

With the source release I have also included pre-compiled binaries for
the main deployment packages (webapp, jca, standalone) as well as a
staged Maven repository containing pre-compiled versions of all
included components. If this vote passes, I will make the source
release and the deployment packages available on the Jackrabbit
download page and publish the other binaries in the central Maven

Here's my +1 vote.


Jukka Zitting

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit -- Version 1.5.0


Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR). A content repository is a
hierarchical content store with support for structured and unstructured
content, full text search, versioning, transactions, observation, and
more. Typical applications that use content repositories include content
management, document management, and records management systems.

Apache Jackrabbit 1.5 is an incremental feature release. While
remaining compatible with previous releases, Jackrabbit 1.5 introduces
a number of new features, improvements and fixes to known issues.

The most notable changes in this release are:

  * The standalone Jackrabbit server component. The runnable
    jackrabbit-standalone jar makes it very easy to start and run
    Jackrabbit as a standalone server with WebDAV and RMI access.

  * Search performance improvements. The performance of certain kinds
    of hierarchical XPath queries has improved notably.

  * Simple Google-style query language. The new GQL query syntax
    makes it very easy to express simple full text queries.

  * Transaction-safe versioning. Mixing transactions and versioning
    operations has traditionally been troublesome in Jackrabbit.
    This release contains a number of improvements in this area and
    has specifically been reviewed against potential deadlock issues.

  * Clustered workspace creation. A new workspace created in one
    cluster node will now automatically appear also in the other
    nodes of the cluster.

  * SPI improvements. The SPI layer introduced in Jackrabbit 1.4
    has seen a lot of improvements and bug fixes, and is shaping
    up as a solid framework for implementing JCR connectors.

  * Development preview: JSR 283 features. We have implemented
    a number of new features defined in the public review draft of
    JCR 2.0, created in JSR 283. These new features are accessible
    through special "jsr283" interfaces in the Jackrabbit API. Note
    however that none of these features are ready for production use,
    and will be replaced with final JCR 2.0 versions in Jackrabbit 2.0.

See the Apache Jackrabbit website at http://jackrabbit.apache.org/ for
more information.

Release Contents

This release consists of a single source archive (jackrabbit-1.5.0-src.jar)
that contains all the Apache Jackrabbit components. Use the following
commands (or the equivalent in your system) to build the release with
Maven 2 and Java 1.4 or higher:

    jar xf jackrabbit-1.5.0-src.jar
    cd jackrabbit-1.5.0-src
    mvn install

Note that the OCM components require Java 5 or higher, and are not included
in the build when using Java 1.4.

The source archive is accompanied by SHA1 and MD5 checksums and a PGP
signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at

The build will result in the following components (with artifactIds in
parenthesis) being built and installed in your local Maven repository.
Pre-built binary artifacts of these components are also available on
the on the central Maven repository.

  * Jackrabbit Parent POM (jackrabbit-parent)
    The Maven parent POM for all Jackrabbit components.

  * Jackrabbit API (jackrabbit-api)
    Interface extensions that Apache Jackrabbit supports in
    addition to the standard JCR API.

  * Jackrabbit JCR Commons (jackrabbit-jcr-commons)
    General-purpose classes for use with the JCR API.

  * Jackrabbit JCR Tests (jackrabbit-jcr-tests)
    Set of JCR API test cases designed for testing the compliance
    of an implementation. Note that this is not the official JCR TCK!

  * Jackrabbit JCR Benchmarks (jackrabbit-jcr-benchmark)
    Framework for JCR performance tests.

  * Jackrabbit Core (jackrabbit-core)
    Core of the Apache Jackrabbit content repository implementation.

  * Jackrabbit Text Extractors (jackrabbit-text-extractors)
    Text extractor classes that allow Jackrabbit to extract text content
    from binary properties for full text indexing.

  * Jackrabbit JCR-RMI (jackrabbit-jcr-rmi)
    RMI remoting layer for the JCR API.

  * Jackrabbit WebDAV Library (jackrabbit-webdav)
    Interfaces and common utility classes used for building a
    WebDAV server or client.

  * Jackrabbit JCR Server (jackrabbit-jcr-server)
    WebDAV servlet implementations based on JCR.

  * Jackrabbit JCR Servlets (jackrabbit-jcr-servlet)
    Set of servlets and other classes designed to make it easier to use
    Jackrabbit and other JCR content repositories in web applications.

  * Jackrabbit Repository Classloader (jackrabbit-classloader)
    Java classloader for loading classes from JCR content repositories.

  * Jackrabbit Web Application (jackrabbit-webapp)
    Deployable Jackrabbit installation with WebDAV support for JCR.

  * Jackrabbit JCA Resource Adapter (jackrabbit-jca)
    J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) resource adapter for Jackrabbit.

  * Jackrabbit SPI (jackrabbit-spi)
    The SPI defines a layer within a JSR-170 implementation that separates
    the transient space from the persistent layer.

  * Jackrabbit SPI Commons (jackrabbit-spi-commons)
    This component contains generic utility classes that might be used
    to build an SPI implementation.

  * Jackrabbit SPI2JCR (jackrabbit-spi2jcr)
    This component contains a SPI implementation wrapping around an
    implementation of JSR-170.

  * Jackrabbit JCR2SPI (jackrabbit-jcr2spi)
    This component contains an implementation of the JSR-170 API and
    covers the functionality that is not delegated to the SPI

  * Jackrabbit Standalone (jackrabbit-standalone)
    Jackrabbit server in a self-contained runnable jar.

  * Jackrabbit OCM (jackrabbit-ocm)
    Object-Content mapping tool for persisting and accessing Java objects
    in a JCR content repository.

  * Jackrabbit OCM Node Management (jackrabbit-ocm-nodemanagement)
    This component simplifies registration of node types and namespaces
    referenced in OCM mapping descriptors.

Upgrading to Jackrabbit 1.5

Apache Jackrabbit 1.4 is fully compatible with the previous 1.x releases.
A previous Apache Jackrabbit 1.x installation can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant jar files with the new versions and adding some new dependencies.
No changes to repository contents are needed.

The Lucene dependency was upgraded to 2.3.2. No index file changes are needed.
Note that Jackrabbit 1.5 only works with Lucene 2.3, not even with 2.2 or 2.4.

The SLF4J dependency was upgraded to 1.5.3 as the default, but Jackrabbit will
work with any SLF4J 1.x version in your classpath.

The PDFBox dependency was upgraded to 0.7.3, which introduced new dependencies
to the FontBox 0.1.0 and JempBox 0.2.0 libraries.

The NekoHTML dependency has been upgraded to 1.9.7.

The POI dependency was upgraded to 3.0.2-FINAL, which introduced new
dependencies to commons-logging and log4j. If you use the Maven dependency
mechanism then you may want to override these dependencies with something
like jcl104-over-slf4j to avoid using multiple different logging frameworks.

A new dependency to Commons IO 1.4 has been added. Make sure that Commons IO
is available in your classpath.

Repository configuration has been extended with options for the new JSR 283
security. However, no changes to existing configuration files are needed
unless you want to enable these new features. Note that the new JSR 283
security feature is a development preview and may change before JCR 2.0.

Note that the configuration file parser will now use strict XML validation
if you include a <!DOCTYPE> setting in your configuration file. You can
disable this feature simply by removing the <!DOCTYPE> setting.

Upgrading to Jackrabbit 1.4

Apache Jackrabbit 1.4 is fully compatible with the previous 1.x releases.
A previous Apache Jackrabbit 1.x installation can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant jar files with the new versions and adding some new dependencies.
No changes to repository contents are needed.

Jackrabbit 1.4 introduces the SPI layer described above, and in addition to
it's earlier dependencies the jackrabbit-core component now also needs the
jackrabbit-spi and jackrabbit-spi-commons components in the classpath.

A number of classes in jackrabbit-jcr-commons have been deprecated, and you
should check for the suggested replacements if you use those classes in your

The Lucene dependency was upgraded to 2.2.0, and so you need to upgrade
also the lucene-core jar file in your classpath when upgrading
jackrabbit-core. No index file changes are needed.

Repository configuration has been extended with a number of options for
storage, locking and indexing strategies. However, no changes to existing
configuration files are needed unless you want to enable these new features.

Upgrading to Jackrabbit 1.3

Apache Jackrabbit 1.3 is fully compatible with the previous 1.x releases.
A previous Apache Jackrabbit 1.x installation can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant jar files with the new versions. No changes to repository
contents are needed.

See below for a more detailed description of the structural changes in
the Apache Jackrabbit 1.2 release.

Upgrading to Jackrabbit 1.2

The most notable effect of the component restructuring in the 1.2 release
was that the previous jackrabbit-core component has been split in three
pieces: jackrabbit-api, jackrabbit-jcr-commons, and jackrabbit-core. Thus
you need to replace the previous jackrabbit-core-1.x.jar file with the
three new jar archives.

The structure of the WebDAV components have also changed. WebDAV support
now consists of the webapp component jackrabbit-webapp and the libraries
jackrabbit-webdav and jackrabbit-jcr-server.

The Apache Lucene dependency used for full text indexing has been upgraded
to version 2.0 in this release. Lucene 2.0 is able to continue using
existing index files, but you can also manually recreate the index with
Lucene 2.0 extensions by removing the "index" directories of a closed
repository. Jackrabbit will automatically re-index content when the
repository is next started.

Also the Apache Derby dependency has been upgraded to version 10.2.
Like Lucene, the new Derby version can keep using existing database files.
New repositories and workspaces will however be created using extensions
and improvements introduced in the 10.2 version.

Changes and known issues in this release

All the changes (new features, improvements, bug fixes) and known issues
in this release are listed below. The listing is organized by Jackrabbit
component and by issue type. The issue identifier and title is listed for
each change and known issue.

You can look up individual issues for more details in the Jackrabbit
issue tracker at


Note that some issues may appear more than once in the list below, as
they may affect more than one component. Generic issues that affect all
or most components are listed first under the label "jackrabbit".

jackrabbit (since 1.4)

  [JCR-871]  Provide Readme's for subprojects jcr-mapping and ...
  [JCR-1357] Create "quick start" developer bundles for model 1,2,3 deployment
  [JCR-1437] add framework for performance tests
  [JCR-1619] Update copyright years in READMEs and NOTICEs
  [JCR-1649] Separate NOTICEs and LICENSEs for binary and source packages
  [JCR-1751] Update slf4j
  [JCR-1756] Include OCM in the main Jackrabbit build when using Java 5
  [JCR-1863] Create jackrabbit-parent
  [JCR-1882] Avoid ${project.version} in dependencies

jackrabbit-api (since 1.4)

  [JCR-1342] Create OSGi Bundle Manifest Headers
  [JCR-1672] Adding Event interface and isLocal()

jackrabbit-classloader (since 1.4.1)

  No changes

jackrabbit-core  (since 1.4.6)

  New features
  [JCR-954]  Allow to disable referential integrity checking for workspace
  [JCR-1171] Contribute Pluggable Permission and User Management to Jackrabbit
  [JCR-1276] A Property and a Node Can Have the Same Name
  [JCR-1462] repository.xml: throw an exception on error
  [JCR-1472] extend security config -> repository-1.5.dtd
  [JCR-1607] Add a NamespaceHelper in jcr-commons
  [JCR-1717] Configure occurrence of property value in excerpt

  [JCR-904]  non mantatory revision property in the Journal configuration
  [JCR-1005] More Fine grained Permission Flags
  [JCR-1087] Maintain the cluster revision table
  [JCR-1091] more lenient behavior of Node#addMixin if mixin is already ...
  [JCR-1237] Change default value for respectDocumentOrder
  [JCR-1290] tm-extractors.jar blocks usage of newer poi versions
  [JCR-1306] Reduce number of different repository.xml present with ...
  [JCR-1308] Unnecessary null check in EffectiveNodeType....
  [JCR-1309] Refactor DBMS support for JNDI datasources
  [JCR-1313] Additional excerpt provider implementation
  [JCR-1337] Optimize first execution queries for DescendantSelfAxisWeight/...
  [JCR-1347] Move Jackrabbit Query Parser from core to spi-commons
  [JCR-1363] Migrate to Lucene 2.3
  [JCR-1365] Query path constraints like foo//*/bar do not scale
  [JCR-1369] indexing-rules should allow wildcards for (global) property names
  [JCR-1371] [PATCH] unnecessary synchronized collections used only in ...
  [JCR-1377] Reduce memory usage of DocNumberCache
  [JCR-1378] Remove SessionImpl dependency from QueryObjectModelFactoryImpl
  [JCR-1388] Jackrabbit does not allow concurrent reads to the data store ...
  [JCR-1394] FileDataStore Garbage Collector and empty directories
  [JCR-1395] Use Commons IO 1.4
  [JCR-1397] Allow query results with unknown size
  [JCR-1407] [PATCH] Trivial Javadoc fix for RepositoryConfig
  [JCR-1413] [PATCH] retain exception stack traces
  [JCR-1420] Add test for Node.restore() may throw InvalidStateException
  [JCR-1424] [PATCH] simplify conversion of strings to primitives by using ...
  [JCR-1425] [PATCH] reduce duplicate conversions from OffsetCharSequence ...
  [JCR-1430] mvn eclipse:eclipse inconsistent
  [JCR-1445] [PATCH] Use entrySet iterators to avoid map look ups in loops
  [JCR-1465] Configurable Similarity
  [JCR-1471] Error when registering nodetype with same propdef as supertype
  [JCR-1479] [PATCH] don't use the reflective form of {Collection}.toArray
  [JCR-1485] Introduce daily integration test suite
  [JCR-1488] Node deleted while query is executed should not affect result ...
  [JCR-1493] Root exception not logged in ClusterNode for ClusterException
  [JCR-1510] [PATCH] more verbose exception messages (BatchedItemOperations)
  [JCR-1520] DatabaseFileSystem's logger references the wrong class
  [JCR-1531] [PATCH] Add Column and line numbers to repository.xml parse ...
  [JCR-1538] [patch] add toString for NodeImpl and PropertyImpl
  [JCR-1570] [PATCH] better exception messages when generating schema
  [JCR-1575] [PATCH] cleanup unwanted stream closing that isn't used
  [JCR-1579] Improved XML export handling
  [JCR-1600] Remove noLockHack in SharedItemStateManager
  [JCR-1603] Remove getSafeJCRPath methods in HierarchyManagerImpl
  [JCR-1672] Adding Event interface and isLocal()
  [JCR-1674] Provide means for exception handling for QueryNodeVisitor ...
  [JCR-1677] Allow workspace creation over cluster
  [JCR-1681] DbDataStore: improve error message when init fails
  [JCR-1686] Catch Throwables while calling TextExtractors
  [JCR-1696] Add PlainTextExtractor to default configuration of ...
  [JCR-1699] Do not log warning when coercing value in query is not possible
  [JCR-1700] Deprecate NamespaceListener and AbstractNamespaceResolver
  [JCR-1705] Reduce memory usage of transient nodes
  [JCR-1709] Remove Serializable on ItemState classes
  [JCR-1710] Promote ChildNodeEntry and ChildNodeEntries to top level classes.
  [JCR-1715] Prevent excessive Path.Element instances
  [JCR-1716] Prefer PathFactory.createElement() over createPath()....
  [JCR-1718] repository-1.5.dtd: change order of main elements
  [JCR-1729] Node#addNode fails with AccessDeniedException if session ...
  [JCR-1739] Do not use deletable anymore
  [JCR-1742] CacheManager resizeAll is slow
  [JCR-1745] Mark pending nodes in IndexingQueue directly in index
  [JCR-1765] Config: make all elements in the security configuration optional
  [JCR-1775] Transaction-safe versioning
  [JCR-1789] Provide access to cluster records
  [JCR-1805] Trim whitespace from parameter names in configuration files
  [JCR-1812] WorkspaceUpdateChannel.updateCommitted logs too much
  [JCR-1850] Journal: Use buffered input / output streams
  [JCR-1856] Change value for SearchIndex#DEFAULT_EXTRACTOR_BACK_LOG
  [JCR-1864] Database Data Store: clean up the code

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-575]  unicode escapes in files generated by JJTree
  [JCR-1466] ConfigurationException constructors are package private
  [JCR-1532] ERROR 40XD0: Container has been closed exception with Derby DB
  [JCR-1553] ClusterNode not properly shutdown when repository has shutdown
  [JCR-1563] Data Store: UTFDataFormatException when using large ...
  [JCR-1572] DbDataStore connection does not always reconnect
  [JCR-1573] Lucene Query Exception: 'attempt to access a deleted ...
  [JCR-1580] Typo in PropertyDefinitionTemplate
  [JCR-1581] ClassCastException when registering new node type
  [JCR-1582] Parameters 'idleTime' and 'queryClass' cause QueryHandler to fail
  [JCR-1601] Occasional NullPointerException in ItemManager
  [JCR-1611] Registering NodeType from templates throws exception about ...
  [JCR-1622] Session.getUserID returns first principal in the set obtained ...
  [JCR-1640] Not configuring the adminId, anonymousId, or defaultuserId ...
  [JCR-1641] DefaultLoginModule/SimpleLoginModule don't support custom ...
  [JCR-1647] UserManager throws javax.jcr.query.InvalidQueryException on ...
  [JCR-1694] System properties does not get replaced in a Cluster ...
  [JCR-1703] Oracle JNDI DataSource support
  [JCR-1714] QueryImpl result offSet must be considered after security ...
  [JCR-1729] Node#addNode failes with AccessDeniedException if session ...
  [JCR-1734] Generated cluster node id should be persisted
  [JCR-1738] BeanConfig may incorrectly throw ConfigurationException
  [JCR-1764] Occasional IndexingQueueTest failures
  [JCR-1803] Node.restore() throws java.lang.ClassCastException
  [JCR-1813] Invalid journal records during XATransactions
  [JCR-1817] Core: Misleading method naming with Workspace and Session ...
  [JCR-1866] Query may throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  Known issues
  [JCR-43]   Restore on nodes creates same-name-sibling of ...
  [JCR-320]  BinaryValue equals fails for two objects with ...
  [JCR-392]  Querying element by number does not work
  [JCR-435]  Node.update() does not work correct for SNS
  [JCR-449]  inconsistency in internal version items during commits
  [JCR-517]  Reserved status of namespace jcr not enforced
  [JCR-522]  XPath parser too tolerant
  [JCR-537]  Failure to remove a versionable node
  [JCR-538]  failing Node.checkin() or Node.checkout() might leave ...
  [JCR-566]  Versioning bug with restore and transactions
  [JCR-591]  XPath position function does not work
  [JCR-639]  Allow modification of OPV=IGNORE items even if parent ...
  [JCR-643]  Own AccessManager + VersionManager : AccessDenied problem
  [JCR-690]  Nodes' and properties' names with invalid XML ...
  [JCR-709]  ArrayStoreException is thrown when jcr:deref() is used ...
  [JCR-777]  Order by clause using child axis does not throw ...
  [JCR-843]  XPath does not work with sub-axes
  [JCR-888]  javax.jcr.NamespaceException: : is not a registered namespace uri
  [JCR-908]  Unable to properly restore a previous version of a node that ...
  [JCR-932]  Lossy SQL parsing
  [JCR-935]  ConcurrentModificationException during logout (cont'd)
  [JCR-936]  Using Oracle bundle PM throws SQL exception (cannot insert NULL)
  [JCR-983]  fn:upper accepted in too many places
  [JCR-1002] QueryManager does not throw exception if property name ...
  [JCR-1117] Bundle cache is not rolled back when the storage of a ...
  [JCR-1135] boolean value constraints exposed in custom format
  [JCR-1173] Session scoped lock has no effect on other cluster nodes
  [JCR-1187] Asking a property twice for it's stream returns the same ...
  [JCR-1211] QueryManager does not throw exception if jcr:deref is used in ...
  [JCR-1223] Occasional NPE on node checkin
  [JCR-1334] Deadlock with XA enabled
  [JCR-1360] Parsing built-in CND and XML nodetypes does not result in ...
  [JCR-1367] Exception when closing connection under db2
  [JCR-1387] Lock token not removed from session when node is removed
  [JCR-1440] NPE Thrown when two Cluster Nodes are hitting the same ...
  [JCR-1549] XATest#testXAVersionsThoroughly fails if 2 checks are ...
  [JCR-1554] StaleItemStateException with distributed transactions
  [JCR-1558] Namespace not registered yet prevent ...
  [JCR-1605] RepositoryLock does not work on NFS sometimes
  [JCR-1613] REMOVE access is not checked when moving a node
  [JCR-1626] The resource committed at the first server via WebDAV does ...
  [JCR-1633] When node is created and locked in same transaction, ...
  [JCR-1634] In XA transaction session.addLockToken() does not have effect
  [JCR-1637] The GarbageCollector ignores InterruptedException and so ...
  [JCR-1648] Database reconnect during shutdown
  [JCR-1660] Consistency check / fix skips system nodes
  [JCR-1666] After transaction rollback session may become 'corrupt'
  [JCR-1668] After RepositoryImpl instance has been created and shut ...
  [JCR-1670] NPE when clustered JR queries version history on a node that ...
  [JCR-1693] JNDIDatabaseJournal doesn't work with "oracle" schema ...
  [JCR-1707] Node.setProperty(String, String, PropertyType.UNDEFINED) ...
  [JCR-1773] shareable nodes: wrong path returned, causes remove() to ...
  [JCR-1778] BindableRepositoryFactory doesn't handle repository shutdown
  [JCR-1779] Warnings on unregistered namespaces in indexing configuration
  [JCR-1806] Item not found exception
  [JCR-1807] Removing peer nodes throws RepositoryException
  [JCR-1823] Repository.login throws IllegalStateException
  [JCR-1838] Garbage collection deletes temporary files in FileDataStore
  [JCR-1846] Jackrabbit thread contention issue due to fat lock
  [JCR-1860] Error occurs when restore nt:resource node after delete
  [JCR-1867] Missing conflict when adding a mixin, whose protected items ...
  [JCR-1868] Inconsistent state when removing mix:lockable from a locked Node
  [JCR-1875] Failing Node.unlock() might leave inconsistent transient state
  [JCR-1879] "Directory was previously created with a different ...
  [JCR-1880] Same name sibling: Jackrabbit behaves differently when ...
  [JCR-1883] Moved node disappears

jackrabbit-jca (since 1.4)

  [JCR-1631] Replace commons-logging dependency with SLF4J

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1630] Missing third party notices and license info
  [JCR-1667] JCARepositoryManager does not close InputStream used to ...
  [JCR-1682] Session returned does not offers transaction support

  Known issues
  [JCR-607]  Importing XML at root level using a session from JCA ...
  [JCR-609]  Empty custom_nodetypes.xml after restart
  [JCR-769]  Unable to login with two different Credentials to the same ...
  [JCR-861]  Connector should support LocalTransaction as well as ...
  [JCR-1035] Jackrabbit JCA - The client can bypass the managed connection ...
  [JCR-1077] Changelog not persisted during two phase commit in prepare phase
  [JCR-1334] Deadlock with XA enabled
  [JCR-1496] Problem to invoke createDataStoreGarbageCollector() in ...
  [JCR-1597] JCARepositoryHandle.login(...) methods never throw ...
  [JCR-1665] In JCAConnectionRequestInfo, equals() and hashCode() ...
  [JCR-1692] jackrabbit exceptions on jboss shutdown

jackrabbit-jcr-benchmark (introduced in 1.5)

  New features
  [JCR-1437] add framework for performance tests

jackrabbit-jcr-commons (since 1.4.2)

  New features
  [JCR-1248] Helper Method to escape illegal XPath Search Term
  [JCR-1350] Add a serializing content handler
  [JCR-1607] Add a NamespaceHelper in jcr-commons
  [JCR-1697] Simple Google style query

  [JCR-1342] Create OSGi Bundle Manifest Headers
  [JCR-1416] [PATCH] No need to call toString on a String
  [JCR-1486] Introduce Timer idle time
  [JCR-1579] Improved XML export handling
  [JCR-1617] Remove commons-collections and slf4j-api dependencies from ...
  [JCR-1636] Make shutdown hooks in TransientFileFactory removable
  [JCR-1653] Better 'invalid format' exception messages for value classes
  [JCR-1698] Remove unnecessary TestAll classes in jcr-commons
  [JCR-1793] Namespace handling in AbstractSession should be synchronized

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1331] Improper deprecation of Locked class
  [JCR-1355] XML import should not access external entities
  [JCR-1396] DateValue.getDate not a copy
  [JCR-1495] NamespaceAdder.addNamespace throws ClassCastException
  [JCR-1669] Text.isDescendant returns false if parent is '/'
  [JCR-1706] Fix unexpected behavior of Text.getName()
  [JCR-1767] XML serialization in JDK 1.4 broken (mostly for WebDAV)
  [JCR-1852] session.exportDocumentView() does not work with jaxb 2.1.x ...

  Known issues
  [JCR-1668] After RepositoryImpl instance has been created and shut ...

jackrabbit-jcr-rmi (since 1.4.1)

  [JCR-1317] Add a MBean method to programatically create a new Workspace.
  [JCR-1342] Create OSGi Bundle Manifest Headers
  [JCR-1343] Replace xerces for serialization by JAXP

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1333] jackrabbit-jcr-rmi: Supplied javax.transaction.xa.Xid is ..
  [JCR-1406] Add the org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.jackrabbit package to the ...
  [JCR-1454] NullPointerException may be thrown when trying to enumerate ...

  Known issues
  [JCR-1643] ClientObservationManager causes null pointer

jackrabbit-jcr-server (since 1.4.1)

  New features
  [JCR-1607] Add a NamespaceHelper in jcr-commons

  [JCR-1391] [PATCH] remove minor unneeded code stutter

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1364] DirListingExportHandler: Should not implement PropertyHandler
  [JCR-1504] MS Excel Mime Type missing in MsExcelTextExtractor
  [JCR-1790] terminology: source uses "protected property" for something ...

  Known issues
  [JCR-1348] simple-webdav: Dav:auto-version property not handled properly
  [JCR-1352] illegal format for WebDAV lock tokens
  [JCR-1616] Spi2Dav / 283 Conflict: Creation of PropertyInfoImpl fails ...
  [JCR-1768] DeltaV: missing support for DAV:supported-method-set and ...
  [JCR-1787] XmlHandler export functions don't work in XML repository mode ...

jackrabbit-jcr-servlet (since 1.4)

  No changes

jackrabbit-jcr-tests (since 1.4)

  [JCR-1091] more lenient behavior of Node#addMixin if mixin is already ...

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1335] bad assumptions on QueryResult.getIterator() semantics in ...
  [JCR-1361] Lock test assumes that changes in one session are immediately ...
  [JCR-1468] LockTest.testLogout fails to refresh session before checking ...
  [JCR-1497] Incorrect decodedAttributeValue in AbstractImportXmlTest
  [JCR-1535] Some tests assume that an implementation of javax.jcr.Item ...
  [JCR-1689] Multiple tests test for locking instead of versioning

  Known issues
  [JCR-509]  TCK:NodeTest#testNodeIdentity fails if versioning ...
  [JCR-714]  TCK: Test root path not escaped when used in XPath queries
  [JCR-752]  Test cases leak sessions
  [JCR-759]  handling of namespace registrations in AbstractJCRTest
  [JCR-1094] TCK assumes that repository does not automatically add mixins ...
  [JCR-1102] bad test assumptions in SQLJoinTest
  [JCR-1129] bad test assumptions in versioning tests
  [JCR-1130] bad test assumptions in TextNodeTest with respect to ...
  [JCR-1161] Export test cases fail with Java 5 on Mac OS X
  [JCR-1164] Bad test assumptions in observation tests
  [JCR-1307] TCK: Attribute values may be normalized in document view exports
  [JCR-1463] TCK: testRestore assumes too much about OPV=VERSION
  [JCR-1810] Jcr-Test: SerializationTest logs exception during tearDown.

jackrabbit-jcr2spi (since 1.4)

  New features
  [JCR-1350] Add a serializing content handler

  [JCR-1011] JCR2SPI: add configurable cache for Item instances (ItemManager)
  [JCR-1091] more lenient behavior of Node#addMixin if mixin is already ...
  [JCR-1327] SPI POM improvements
  [JCR-1417] [PATCH] remove code stutter
  [JCR-1547] JCR2SPI: remove dependency to state-package within nodetype ...
  [JCR-1577] Remove RepositoryService.getRootId()
  [JCR-1579] Improved XML export handling
  [JCR-1585] Remove calls to System.out in tests
  [JCR-1612] Reintroduce NamespaceStorage
  [JCR-1683] JCR2SPI: Move test execution to SPI2JCR
  [JCR-1700] Deprecate NamespaceListener and AbstractNamespaceResolver
  [JCR-1720] Jcr2Spi: configuration entry for size of ItemCache
  [JCR-1771] jcr2spi: avoid unnecessary roundtrips with NodeEntry....
  [JCR-1798] JCR2SPI: Avoid individual Item reloading upon Session/Item....
  [JCR-1809] Jcr2Spi: Avoid extra round trip to the SPI upon Node.getNode ...
  [JCR-1819] JCR2SPI: Add specific deep loading of Nodes and Properties
  [JCR-1842] SPI: RepositoryService.obtain should allow to pass null ...

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1293] ReorderReferenceableSNSTest failure
  [JCR-1490] [PATCH] UpdateTest has two typos
  [JCR-1578] Jcr2Spi: UpdateTest#testUpdateRemovesExtraProperty and ...
  [JCR-1638] Redundant calls to RepositoryService.getChildInfos
  [JCR-1658] Executing query throws ...
  [JCR-1783] JCR2SPI: incomplete changelog when combining move with ...
  [JCR-1799] JCR2SPI: updating events swallowed (CacheBehaviour.OBSERVATION)
  [JCR-1800] JCR2SPI: lockmgr isn't aware about external locks ...
  [JCR-1811] Jcr2Spi: ExportSysViewTest#testExportSysView_handler_session_...
  [JCR-1821] jcr2spi: Item.isSame may return wrong result if any ancestor ...
  [JCR-1843] jcr2spi: wrong status change upon conflicting removal (CacheB...
  [JCR-1857] jcr2spi: NPE with SessionImporter#checkIncludesMixReferenceab...
  [JCR-1862] jcr2spi: transient removal of mandatory item throws Constrain...
  [JCR-1857] jcr2spi: NPE with SessionImporter#checkIncludesMix...
  [JCR-1862] jcr2spi: transient removal of mandatory item throws ...

  Known issues
  [JCR-1868] Inconsistent state when removing mix:lockable from a locked Node
  [JCR-1886] jcr2spi: Unprocessed ItemInfos call to RepositoryService#...

jackrabbit-parent (introduced in 1.5)

  [JCR-1863] Create jackrabbit-parent

jackrabbit-spi (since 1.4)

  New features
  [JCR-1405] SPI: Introduce NodeInfo.getChildInfos()
  [JCR-1629] SPI: Testsuite for the SPI Interfaces

  [JCR-1327] SPI POM improvements
  [JCR-1368] improve documentation of SPI Batch addProperty
  [JCR-1403] SPI: Describe equality requirements of ItemIds
  [JCR-1500] removing properties through SPI: two ways to do it
  [JCR-1513] RepositoryService.checkin should return information about ...
  [JCR-1539] SPI: Get rid of unused method ItemInfo.getParentId()
  [JCR-1543] Improve reliability of canAddMixin
  [JCR-1550] Remove ItemInfo.getName() since it is redundant
  [JCR-1576] Remove RepositoryService exists()
  [JCR-1577] Remove RepositoryService.getRootId()
  [JCR-1842] SPI: RepositoryService.obtain should allow to pass null ...

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1158] jcr2spi spi2dav getProperties returns only cached properties
  [JCR-1434] SPI: Description of Path.isDescendantOf(Path)
  [JCR-1514] SPI: Javadoc Issue with QNodeTypeDefinition#getPropertyDefs ...
  [JCR-1851] SPI: Helper does not properly retrieve org.apache.jackrabbit....

jackrabbit-spi-commons (since 1.4)

  New features
  [JCR-1662] Add pattern matching for paths

  [JCR-1327] SPI POM improvements
  [JCR-1344] Unsynchronized NameFactoryImpl initialization
  [JCR-1347] Move Jackrabbit Query Parser from core to spi-commons
  [JCR-1430] mvn eclipse:eclipse inconsistent
  [JCR-1494] [PATCH] XPathQueryBuilder reports misleading column numbers ...
  [JCR-1654] Incorrect slf4j-log4j12 dependency scope in spi-commons
  [JCR-1663] REFERENCE properties produce duplicate strings in memory
  [JCR-1674] Provide means for exception handling for QueryNodeVisitor ...
  [JCR-1675] Provide names for constants in QueryConstants
  [JCR-1700] Deprecate NamespaceListener and AbstractNamespaceResolver
  [JCR-1715] Prevent excessive Path.Element instances

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-575]  Unicode escapes in files generated by JJTree
  [JCR-1280] Path.equals does not work for other Path implementations
  [JCR-1409] PathFactoryImpl creates illegal Path objects
  [JCR-1495] NamespaceAdder.addNamespace throws ClassCastException
  [JCR-1653] NodeIdImpl is not really serializable
  [JCR-1688] Query parser builds invalid parse tree
  [JCR-1750] Creating QValue from stream: stream not closed

jackrabbit-spi2jcr (since 1.4)

  [JCR-1327] SPI POM improvements
  [JCR-1683] JCR2SPI: Move test execution to SPI2JCR
  [JCR-1700] Deprecate NamespaceListener and AbstractNamespaceResolver
  [JCR-1842] SPI: RepositoryService.obtain should allow to pass null ...

  Known issues:
  [JCR-1802] SPI2JCR: Missing SPI events due to exception (warning in logfile)

jackrabbit-standalone (introduced in 1.5)

  [JCR-1357] Create "quick start" developer bundles for model 1,2,3 deployment

jackrabbit-text-extractors (since 1.4)

  New features
  [JCR-1523] [PATCH] png, apng, mng text extractor
  [JCR-1561] New MsOutlook Message Extractor

  [JCR-1533] Update POI dependency to 3.0.2-FINAL
  [JCR-1534] Use POIExtractor wherever possible
  [JCR-1567] Upgrade to PDFBox 0.7.3
  [JCR-1655] Upgrade nekohtml dependency
  [JCR-1661] Extend mimetype list of text extractors
  [JCR-1691] Includes new (old) mimetypes that OpenOfficeTextExtractor can ..

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1504] MS Excel Mime Type missing in MsExcelTextExtractor
  [JCR-1530] MsPowerPointTextExtractor does not extract from PPTs with € sign
  [JCR-1646] NPE in OpenOfficeTextExtractor
  [JCR-1727] HTMLTextExtractor modifying UTF-8 encoded String
  [JCR-1881] RTF text extractor fails on Java 1.4 in some environments

jackrabbit-webapp (since 1.4)

  [JCR-1631] Replace commons-logging dependency with SLF4J

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1364] DirListingExportHandler: Should not implement PropertyHandler
  [JCR-1545] webapp: troubleshooting.jsp fails
  [JCR-1596] search.jsp doesn't handle utf-8 parameters correctly
  [JCR-1598] Problematic exception handling in Jackrabbit WebApp
  [JCR-1630] Missing third party notices and license info
  [JCR-1737] JSP page compilation errors when depoyed using oc4j

  Known issues
  [JCR-1301] Trouble undeploying jackrabbit-webapp from Tomcat
  [JCR-1457] Restart of RMI-component fails (because it's not released ...
  [JCR-1763] Possible NPE in installer

jackrabbit-webdav (since 1.4)

  New features
  [JCR-1733] WebDAV BIND support

  [JCR-1310] Webdav: Drop xerces dependency
  [JCR-1615] WebDAV: drop dependency on commons-collections
  [JCR-1769] RFC4918 feature: PROPFIND/include
  [JCR-1795] advertise support for RFC4918 (WebDAV) compliance class 3

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1439] MOVE method returns error 412 Precondition Failed
  [JCR-1571] DavMethodBase#getResponseException fails if the body is not ...
  [JCR-1623] Typo in the DeltaVConstants class in constant ...
  [JCR-1744] PROPFIND response to a request for a property taht does not ...
  [JCR-1782] Destination header not containing URI scheme causes NPE
  [JCR-1790] terminology: source uses "protected property" for something ...

  Known issues
  [JCR-406]  If header evaluation compliance problems
  [JCR-1785] If header checking lacks etag checks
  [JCR-1796] DAV compliance class for observation should use a URI instead ...

jackrabbit-ocm (since 1.4)

  New features
  [JCR-1467] Hide ugly repository init code for OCM
  [JCR-1645] Add support for Map of referenced beans
  [JCR-1721] make collection element names configurable
  [JCR-1761] OCM:Add the ability to specify name of a Collection Element ...

  [JCR-876]  ManageableCollectionUtil should not throw "unsupported" ...
  [JCR-966]  [OCM] Add unit tests with BundleDbPersistenceManager
  [JCR-1316] ID Field Descriptor is not inherited as is the case with UUID ...
  [JCR-1404] javadoc writing and generation with mvn
  [JCR-1505] Improve handling of inherited mixins
  [JCR-1624] Proxies improvement
  [JCR-1740] Make ObjectIterator implement RangeIterator interface
  [JCR-1752] Allow users to disable validation
  [JCR-1754] The jackrabbit-ocm DTD 1.5 is missing and has to be publish
  [JCR-1758] Improvement to UndefinedTypeConverterImpl to map super types ...
  [JCR-1759] Simplify the usage of OCM annotations
  [JCR-1762] Improvement to MultiValueCollectionConverterImpl to Map ...
  [JCR-1844] Convenience method to Or multiple values with a single filter
  [JCR-1853] Modified QueryImpl to enable external query builders to read ...
  [JCR-1859] BeanLazyLoader is not Serializable

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1286] FilterImpl.getStringValue() does not use custom converter ...
  [JCR-1303] Missing derby dependency
  [JCR-1325] Problems mapping custom collections
  [JCR-1336] Bug in duplicate mapping check
  [JCR-1339] ManageableCollectionUtil doesn't support Maps
  [JCR-1381] Path is not indexed when inserting a new node with SNS
  [JCR-1385] UUID field not populated when saving a new node
  [JCR-1398] [PATCH] ClassDescriptor.hasIdField uses faulty logic
  [JCR-1448] nt:versionedChild problem
  [JCR-1524] [PATCH] tests use 12 for month which is invalid
  [JCR-1537] ClassDescriptor.hasIdField() fails if id is declared in upper ...
  [JCR-1548] Several bugs in last SVN commit
  [JCR-1757] OCM: translate-project goal not found
  [JCR-1776] Some unit tests are not well configured
  [JCR-1784] OCM:The UUID of the collection elements changes on update.

  Known issues
  [JCR-1858] ClassDescriptor ReflectionUtils ClassLoader Defect
  [JCR-1889] Incorrect support for java interfaces in typed collection fields

jackrabbit-ocm-nodemanagement (since 1.4)

  No changes

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