hi jukka, nice to here about your planning for jackrabbit 3 and for asking 
about requirements so far.
please see my answers below.

best regards, ulf.
ulf schneider
+49 163 2505164

datenlabor gmbh
sitz: paderborn, hrb 8819
geschäftsführer: ulf schneider
ibm business partner

Am 09.02.2010 um 16:55 schrieb Jukka Zitting:

> Hi,
> Now that Jackrabbit 2.0 is out and the major JCR 2.0 feature work is
> done, it's time to start looking ahead at Jackrabbit 3. We've talked
> about this a bit already at Day and I'll be posting a summary of our
> ideas for further discussion, but before that I'd like to frame the
> discussion by getting a better picture of the range of requirements
> we'll be having for Jackrabbit 3.
> So, please let us know what you expect your repositories to look like
> within the next five or so years. I'm especially interested in answers
> to the following questions:
> Scalability:
> * How much content (number of documents/nodes, raw amount data in
> GB/TB/PB) do you have in the repository?
-> producing up to 500.000 documents per year / up to some TB / can grow up to 
several hundred workspaces
the repository is considered to be used as an external memory for all project 
related documentation and each new project would get a new workspace. over the 
years this could produce several hundred workspaces.
> * How many (concurrent) users (readers/editors/administrators) does
> your repository have?
-> up to some thousand concurrent readers, some hundred concurrent editors, 
under 10 admins
> * Do you need Internet-scale (millions of users or exabytes of
> content) features?
-> currently not
> Deployment:
> * Do you run the repository on a single server, on a cluster or in the cloud?
-> cluster
> * How many and how powerful servers do you use for the repository?
-> under 10 servers
> Content model:
> * Do you need support for flat content hierarchies (>>10k sibling nodes)?
-> there are some cases where it would be useful
> * Do you need support for same-name siblings?
-> no
> * If you use versioning, how actively (commit on all saves / commit
> only at major milestones) and for what purpose (revision history,
> backup, etc.) do you use it?
-> there are cases where a commit needs to be done on all saves for a revision 
history. but very often versioning is used for major milestones only.
> * How granular (hierarchies of small properties vs. big binary blobs)
> is your content?
-> nodes with 10 to 50 properties and binary data for file attachments stored 
in nt:folder/nt:file nodes
> * How much of your content access is based on search / tree traversal
> / following references?
-> full range: tree traversal, xpath and full text search and even references 
are being used.
> * How much you rely on the repository to enforce your content model
> (node type constraints, etc.)?
-> not much, the application itself is driving the content model by using 
> * How often you modify your content model (and/or related node types)?
-> node types have not been changed and the model evolves in tiny steps that do 
normally not enforce specific upgrade scripts.
> Features:
> * Do you need full ACID semantics? Is an "eventually consistent"
> system good enough for you?
-> currently not needed
> * Do you need more powerful search features than what we now have?
-> currently not
> * How important is observation to your application? Do you need
> trigger-like capability that can modify or reject a save() operation?
-> it is currently not used but considered to be used
> Feel free to answer either based on your current usage patterns or to
> predict your needs for the next few years. The further ahead in the
> future you can reasonably predict, the better.
> Note that I intentionally restricted this set of questions to core
> repository features, I'll do a poll on favorite new features later on.
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting

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