On 09.05.2023 09:57, Arnout Engelen wrote:

Jackrabbit uses the fine mechanism of releasing unstable versions on
'x.y' version lines where 'y' is odd, and stable releases where 'y' is

This scheme is not super well-known in the Maven ecosystem, and I
think there's a risk of people being on unstable versions without
realizing it.

Of course that's ultimately on them, but I wonder if it wouldn't be
better to have only the stable releases on Maven Central, and have the
unstable versions only on https://repository.apache.org - that way
people might somewhat more consciously 'opt in' to also seeing the
unstable releases?

Kind regards,


That's an interesting idea (the other would be to reconsider the naming scheme).

That said: replication to maven central currently is automatic - do you happen to know how to avoid it?

Best regards, Julian

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