On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Peter Lynch <ply...@apache.org> wrote:
> Peter Lin,
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Peter Lin <wool...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> so far I am not convinced of the benefits of changing to maven.
>> my vote is still -1
>> As I said before, my feeling is jmeter is mature and stable. JMeter
>> isn't missing any critical features and seb has done a phenominal job
>> of maintaining it.
>> It's not like there's 10 critical features JMeter must have. Frankly,
>> I don't buy the argument that jmeter will die. Given JMeter's focus is
> Obviously I did not suggest JMeter will die if it doesn't use Maven ?? Where
> in the world...
>> narrow, there's no point bloating it with lots of useless knobs and
>> buttons. I also don't buy the argument of building developer
>> community. JMeter's developer list has always been small even before I
>> joined. I attribute this to the focused nature of jmeter. JMeter
>> doesn't try to be the kitchen sink, butler, maid, dumb waiter, door
>> bell, race car and bus all rolled into one.
>> What kind of improvement are you talking about? What kind of growth
>> are you talking about?
> I'm just suggesting that it is convenient to load a project's sources into a
> modern IDE and have the IDE instantly know how to build the project without
> setting up anything. That I can use previous knowledge of working on other
> projects and reuse it with this one. That it is useful for a project to
> share it's artifacts with others in a standard way. That someone who wants
> to contribute a patch or fix a bug or write a test has a lower barrier to
> entry.
> I've already stated other benefits in previous messages and in the bugzilla
> issue.
> Don't worry - I'm not launching JMeter Inc.

By modern IDE what do you mean? In eclipse atleast, maven plugin do
not work. Ant works out of the box in Eclipse and netbeans. Maven
seems to only work great if you use IntelliJ. I fully realize I have
baggage when it comes to maven and I clearly stated my bias. I'm
simply voicing my experience with maven so that others see the other
side of maven.

I leave the decision up to sebastian, since he is the only one that
really has any say.

> Is it really necessary to use terms like 'road to hell', describe some ideas
> as 'stupid', imply suffering and burdens.  Perhaps it may cause some people
> to ignore your experiences and opinions and focus instead on your generally
> poor demeanor. I'm not seeing how it helps your arguments.
> At the end of the day, I'm just looking to volunteer my time to add value to
> a project I use. I am not here to sell Maven like snake oil.
> I refuse to predict how great or horrible JMeter will become if it uses
> Maven - I'd rather spend time writing a conversion script to at least
> provide the option for factual evaluation.

it's selfish to not think of those who are maintaining it, simply
because you like maven and drank the koolaid. When I contribute to OSS
projects I simply follow the established procedures and submit a
patch. I don't try to change the existing setup. I just don't
understand why maven proponents push it on others.

I'm blunt and completely opinionated. I've seen several jakarta
projects convert from ant to maven and become a pain to build. Sorry
if my rants hurt your feelings, but maven tends to illicit that kind
of love it or hate it response.

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