
one of the main focuses of 2.4 has been on reporting.

JBehave has always offered the possibility of the plugging in bespoke reports, via its ScenarioReporter interface, but up to now only the textual report output was offered out of the box.

From 2.4, it provides an easy and extensible mechanism for configuring and displaying reports in multiple formats. It adds out-of-the-box implementations for TXT, HTML and XML formats, as well as adding a STATS implementation that collects statistics to be displayed in the index page. Any other format will now be easier to plug in.

Latest documentation has been uploaded:

A sample of the reports - generated for the trader example - has been uploaded as well, so it can be viewed without having to do a full build:

Some resolved issues that related to reporting are:


A big thanks to all those who have provided input - in particular to Mirko Friedenhagen who got the ball rolling with his patches.

As usual, we welcome all feedback and future suggestions. We've tried to make the report configuration easy but at the same time extensible. If anything is not clear or intuitive enough, please shout. And remember that the examples are your friends:

The latest snapshot has been uploaded for everybody to test.

We are aiming to release 2.4 just after the new year, probably pushing out a RC candidate beforehand for those that can't/don't like to test with snapshots.


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