Title: [1475] trunk/core/distribution/src/site/content/reports.html: Updated rendering resources documentation.
2009-12-27 07:48:40 -0600 (Sun, 27 Dec 2009)

Log Message

Updated rendering resources documentation.

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/core/distribution/src/site/content/reports.html (1474 => 1475)

--- trunk/core/distribution/src/site/content/reports.html	2009-12-27 13:12:19 UTC (rev 1474)
+++ trunk/core/distribution/src/site/content/reports.html	2009-12-27 13:48:40 UTC (rev 1475)
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
 bundled in the <b>jbehave-core.jar</b> (extract ftl/*.ftl, js/*.js and
 style/*.css) but can be overridden. The FTL files need to be the
 classpath for the <b>FreemarkerReportRenderer</b> to find them, while
-the js and CSS files needs to be copied to the <b>jbehave-reports/js</b>
-and <b>jbehave-reports/style</b> directories. Also note that the default
-style makes use of images found in the <b>jbehave-site-resources.jar</b>.</p>
+the look and feel resources (js/*.js and style/*.css files) need to be copied 
+to the <b>target/jbehave-reports/rendered</b> directory (or wherever the index page has been rendered to) 
+Also note that the default style makes use of images found in the <b>jbehave-site-resources.jar</b>.</p>
 <p>Also, note that the report formats configured should match ones
 found in the Ant or Maven execution for the report rendering task or

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