Yep - ran them with "mvn -Djbehave.version=3.5.4 clean install" I can change the logging on Hibernate, yes.
If you are having a problem with the latest jbehave snapshot, that may point to a regression error. I'll have access to the laptop tonight to look at this. Brian ----- Original message ----- From: "Mauro Talevi" <[1]> To: [2] Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:51:39 +0100 Subject: Re: [jbehave-dev] potential bug? Hi Brian, Still fails - the problem is that the behaviours are run via unit tests. I'm using mvn 3.x using latest snapshot of JBehave. Are you able to run it from command-line? Also, could you move to DEBUG in the logging all the noise from Hibernate? I think it's not very informative as default. Thanks On 26/02/2012 22:43, Brian Repko wrote: Mauro, Apparently I need up to update the view generation. I changed the ignoreErrorsInView - set to true - that now only shows the one story with an error - when run against 3.5.4 [3] 19781b43da5263f64e518bc7094c Brian ----- Original message ----- From: "Mauro Talevi" <[4]> To: [5] Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 16:09:07 +0100 Subject: Re: [jbehave-dev] potential bug? Hi Brian, I'm not able to get the example scenario working (even the one that should). Would you be able to reproduce your issue using the parametrised_table.story (note that I've updated it to not use <> delimiters anymore). Cheers On 24/02/2012 15:59, Brian Repko wrote: Mauro, [6] 9d97818b567a7172f0afbd229414 This is the latest commit with both working and failing scenarios. Thanks! Brian ----- Original message ----- From: "Brian Repko" <[7]> To: [8] Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 08:16:32 -0600 Subject: Re: [jbehave-dev] potential bug? Mauro, A working example - where my description ends - can be found at [9] In user_flags.story you'll see the duplicate columns and changed names to avoid the situations below. Wasn't sure if you want fail state or working state... Brian ----- Original message ----- From: "Mauro Talevi" <[10]> To: "[11]" <[12]> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 19:02:01 +0100 Subject: Re: [jbehave-dev] potential bug? Hi Brian, Could you please provide a version of te spring security example that reproduces the problem and we can pull? Possibly with a working version of stories/steps and a failing version. Cheers On 23 Feb 2012, at 18:16, Brian Repko <[13]> wrote: JBehave devs: We have the following example story (acutally changing the story in the spring-security example to be parameterized). This is a parameterized scenario - that also include an Examples Table parameter on the Given step. The problem is that the ExamplesTable values are including the "<" and ">" delimiters. This is due to how JBehave expects the Examples: header values to be - for variables to be replaced in steps - one does NOT include the <> - but for values to be replaced in ExamplesTables - one does include the <>. You can see this in the trader stories - parameterized_table.story and any of the other parameterized scenario stories. Tried creating duplicate columns - username and <username> and password and <password> (and renaming those used in the table to get the <> around them) - that is not working however as the replacement of username takes precedence over <username> and I get "<testDisabled>" and "<dpassword>" as values in the ExamplesTable still. I then tried renaming the tables values with "_t" added to the end (<username_t> and <password_t>) but that doesn't work as the ExamplesTable now comes in with values "<testDisabled_t>" and "<dpassword_t>". Also tried with the "t_" as a prefix and that did the same. Eventually had to rename them so that I had "username" and "<user>" and "password" and "<pwd>". That worked. But again with duplicate columns of data. There seems to be bugs related to how NamedParameters get replaced into the ExamplesTable. Thoughts? Can I not use scenario parameters on BOTH a table and steps? Brian --- Scenario: Test all the user flag combinations Given the users for Microsoft: |username|passwordCleartext|enabled|expired|forcePasswordChange| |<username>|<password>|<enabled>|<expired>|<forcePasswordChange>| When user <username> authenticates on <orgName> site with password <password> Then user should not be authenticated And authentication failure is <failure> Examples: |orgName|username|password|enabled|expired|forcePasswordChange|fa ilure| |Microsoft|testDisabled|dpassword|false|false|false|Disabled| |Microsoft|testExpired|epassword|true|true|false|AccountExpired| |Microsoft|testDisabledAndExpired|depassword|false|true|false|Dis abled| |Microsoft|testFPCDisabled|fdpassword|false|false|true|Disabled| |Microsoft|testFPCExpired|fepassword|true|true|true|AccountExpire d| |Microsoft|testFPCDisabledAndExpired|fdepassword|false|true|true| Disabled| --- References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.