On 28/11/12 14:16, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 28/11/12 10:59, Damian Steer wrote:

> See also JEP-169 "Value Objects". [1]
> So presumably terms would be value-ish. Ditto triple and quad.
>> Yes
>> I didn't quite understand the implications of [1] but the
>> object-as-value and structural equality makes sense.

<https://blogs.oracle.com/jrose/entry/value_types_in_the_vm> is a dense
brain dump :-)

"As a compiler (JIT) geek, I have seen many hopefully “automagic”
scalarization or unboxing optimizations strain and fail to achieve their
promise.  I have concluded that user advice is necessary."

>> .filter.groupBy is more like a presentation API issue to be built on
>> top.  But if the basics needed can be added to PURR interfaces with too
>> much impact then fine.

The idea is you implement Iterable<Triple> and get the filter / group by
etc 'for free' ('free' does not entail performant, other conditions may

(And if you're wondering how they'll add methods to Iterable without
breaking code see 'default methods')


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