=== Spatial query

Not all spatial queries are complicated. Many use case are covered by provision of a single facility like get all objects within a given radius or within a given bounding box. GeoSPARQL which is a complete approach to geospatial query but it is complicated and driected more towards the specialist, not the average linked data developer with SPARQL knowledge.

This project is to provide a one or two basic geospatial query functions.

Example: return places within 10 kilometers of Bristol UK (which as latitude/longitude of 51.46,2.6).

SELECT ?placeName
   ?place spatial:query (51.46 2.6 10) .
   ?place rdfs:label ?placeName

We have a similar property function architecture in jena-text [0] so this project is to take that concept and apply it to geospatial information.

Lucene spatial could be used for the spatial index. There is a simple vocabulary for expressing WGS80 information [1]; there is also the point information in WKT [2].

This project is not primarily about geospatial processing; it is concerned with the indexing and querying simple, existing geospatial data and integration with Fuseki.

[0] http://jena.staging.apache.org/documentation/query/text-query.html
[1] http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text

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