On 20/06/13 22:33, Rob Vesse wrote:
You could add a Binary Serialization to the TODO list

OK - I didn't want to imply anything at the moment but since you mention it ... done!



On 6/20/13 1:46 PM, "Andy Seaborne" <a...@apache.org> wrote:

On 20/06/13 20:39, Stephen Allen wrote:
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:


http://afs.github.io/rdf-**patch/ <http://afs.github.io/rdf-patch/>

and ReSpec'ed.

Another idea.  Maybe a header of some type to record various bits of
metadata.  One important one might be whether or not the file was in
"minimized form".  Presumably, you'd want this to be RDF as well.
("H" stands for header):

H _:b a <http://jena.apache.org/2013/06/rdf-patch#Patch> .
H _:b rdfs:comment "Generated by Jena Fuseki" .
H _:b dc:date "2013-06-20"^^xsd:date .
H _:b <http://jena.apache.org/2013/06/rdf-patch#minimizedForm> true .


I think you'd only allow H rows to appear before any A or D rows appear
(but allow @prefix statements before it).

I don't know exactly what you'd want to put in an ontology like this,
it may be useful.  Also I used a blank node as the subject in my
but perhaps a fixed resource would be better.


Good points - need to mark whether it's reversible or not (minimal isn't
quite the right word for the required characteristic).

We could break the no relative URI rule and use <> for "this document" -
the bNodes are trick because the label is interpreted not as file
scoped, but something to name real store bnodes.  Flipping label scopes
might get confusing!

Maybe a format specific syntax (RDF Patch isn't RDF) and the parser
generates RDF from it.  A link to general file is always possible.

H  rdf:type <http://jena.apache.org/2013/06/rdf-patch#Patch> .
H  rdfs:comment "Generated by Jena Fuseki" .
H  dc:date "2013-06-20"^^xsd:date .
H  <http://jena.apache.org/2013/06/rdf-patch#minimizedForm> true .
H  link <http://example/more/information.ttl> .


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