I went ahead and submitted a pull request for various
typographical/editorial tweaks

I also went ahead and renamed Minimise Actions to Canonical Patches as
that makes a much clearer name for it, not sure this is quite the correct
terminology though


On 6/20/13 3:38 PM, "Rob Vesse" <rve...@cray.com> wrote:

>I did read some of the working group discussions around the patch format
>and some of the stuff they were discussing made me want to cry at the
>horrific syntax abuses some people were proposing to make
>Steering them towards something that is simpler like RDF patch would seem
>a good idea
>On 6/20/13 3:03 PM, "Andy Seaborne" <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>BTW, I got a ping from LDP-WG about a patch format.  That WG want
>>something sub-SPARQL, this maybe a useful input.
>>I've looked before at RDF-encoded versions (Talis ChangeSets, using
>>TriG) but without further syntax or processing rules, they don't stream
>>and it needs a whole request read in before processing.  That a severe
>>@prefix diff: <http://example/diff#> .
>>@prefix :     <http://example/data#> .
>><#g2> { :s :p 456  }
>><#g1> { :s :p 123  }
>><#g1> { :x :q "foo" }
>>{ <> diff:delete <#g1> ;
>>      diff:insert <#g2> .
>>with the manifest default graph last, you can't tell anything about
>><#g1> or <#g2> so the best I can imagine is to stash them away somewhere.
>>And does not cope with datasets (a graph-grouped complex manifest would
>>work but then any simplicity is lost and production of such patches is
>>looking a bit troublesome)
>>And then there's blank nodes.
>>Restricted SPARQL Update(INSERT DATA, DELETE DATA) sort of works ...
>>except bNodes.  An advantage is adding naturally "DROP GRAPH" and
>>      Andy

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