On 02/07/13 04:46, Ying Jiang wrote:

My name is Ying Jiang. I'm the GSoC student for Apache Jena on the
project of "jena-sptial". In brief, the project will end up with an
ARQ extension to perform simple spatial searches within SPARQL
queries. The approach is similar to "jena-text". Many technical
details have been discussed during the project application period. I
just completed my exams in late June. Now I've set up a svn repository
on Google Code [1] and got ready to code. I'd very glad to have Andy,
Damian and Stephen as the mentors. You will see the code to be
committed there in the coming months. I'd be grateful to your help
when I ask questions in the dev mailing list.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/jena-spatial/

Best regards,
Ying Jiang

Hi Ying,

Do you want to put the full project description up on that site? The GoSC seems to secure project descriptions.

The project plan talks about preparing demo data. What had you in mind? It would be really great to combine data from different sources. One source is geonames and I managed to get RDF out of the website with:


(which is Bristol, UK).

Anyone get suggestions for other sources?


DBPedia has geodata for many real world entities using the W3C geo vocabulary (e.g. http://dbpedia.org/resource/Bristol).

The LinkedGeoData Project (http://linkedgeodata.org) also has a lot of spatial data by creating RDF from OpenStreetMaps. It is modeled with GeoSPARQL but supporting simple coordinates shouldn't be too difficult, since they are represented as Well Known Text Literals.
<http://linkedgeodata.org/geometry/node1000032677> <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#asWKT> "POINT(7.338818000000001 51.4433324)"^^<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral> .


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