On 27/07/13 14:40, Ying Jiang wrote:

The default distance units measurement is "miles".  I've just committed a
major change of the codes, including the following updates:

1) Support spatial indexing of WKT literal, including Point, Polygon or any
other kinds of shapes.
2) New property functions of "withinCirle", "withinBox", "intersectsBox",
"north", "south", "east", "west"
3) Support different distance units for "nearby", such as "miles",
"kilometers", "degrees", "meters" and so on.
4) Examples are updated [1]. You can play with the new features of

It's almost half-way of the GSoC project. In the upcoming second half, I'll
bring more visibility of code progress to the community, at least
one report per week. Thanks to Andy for pointing it out!


On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:37 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

In the example query there is:

     ?s spatial:nearby (51.3000 -2.71000 100)

What units are the "100"?
Can the application provide different units?


Things are looking very good.

How does this fit with the original plan in terms of functionality available?

As we enter the second part of the GSoC, we need to be thinking about

* A release

That does not mean it's complete and a release needn't be a major cost in time. Having even one or two people try it out really helps in understanding what people might do with spatial indexing.

It can be a message to the users Jena mailing list announcing status of the project and assuming interested people will grab the source and compile a jar for themselves.

But, if you want to, we can do something more packaged - anything up to and including migrating the code to Jena SVN and putting in a Jenkins job to build it into Jena's snapshot maven repository that's doable.

A couple of things go with that:

* Testing

src/java/test is a bit empty :-)

* User documentation

Enough that someone can setup and use the project - short, to the point and "now" is better than long and detailed and "later". (The final phase of GSoC is write-up - that's needs to cover the next developers to come along.)

What do you think about this?


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