There's a note in the interface

    // ---- Query
    // Maybe more query forms: querySelect(Query)? select(Query)?

At the moment, the operations are the basic ones (the SPARQL protocols for query, update and GSP). There's scope to add forms on top.

  void execSelect(Query query, Consumer<QuerySolution> action)

is one possibility.


On 04/08/15 16:14, wrote:
Is this a little bit like Sesame 4's new Repository helper type? Not totally 
the same thing, but similar in that it's bringing a lot of convenience together 
around the notion of dataset?

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

On Aug 2, 2015, at 3:05 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

Stephen, all,

Recently on users@ there was a question about the s-* in java. That got me 
thinking about an interface to pull together all SPARQL operations into one 
application-facing place.  We have jena-jdbc, and jena-client already - this is 
my sketch take.

[1] RDFConnection

Currently, it's a sketch-for-discussion; it's a bit DatasetAccessor-like + 
SPARQL query + SPARQL Update.  And some whole-dataset-REST-ish operations (that 
Fuseki happens to support).  It's a chance to redo things a bit.

RDFConnection uses the existing SPARQL+RDF classes and abstractions in ARQ, not 
strings, [*]  rather than putting all app-visible clases in one package.

Adding an equivalent of DatabaseClient to represent one place would be good - 
and add the admin operations, for Fuseki at least.  Also, a streaming load 

Specific use cases?


(multi-operation transactions ... later!)

[*] You can use strings as well - that's the way to get arbitrary non-standard 
extensions through.


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