Bruno (or anyone), do you know if it would be possible to publish site changes 
for review out of Apache CI? (Something like the way we can set up to get built 
artifacts from branches of the codebase without actually releasing them.)

Is it okay with respect to Apache policy to only import the current state of 
the site to Git (iow to leave behind that massive accumulation of Javadocs), or 
do we need to maintain a complete history on whatever infrastructure we use?


> On Nov 17, 2017, at 3:30 AM, Bruno P. Kinoshita 
> <> wrote:
>> What changes if we go for gitpubsub?
> Not much for end users. For developers, we would need to get used to 
> whichever tool we choose for static site generator.
>> If I read that right, no CMS because CMS is svnpubsub only.  Is it a "big 
>> bang" switch to Jekyll? That isn't too scary but it is a step-change.
> Not much I think. Most of the Markdown can be easily ported with some 
> regex/shell script. When I helped porting OpenNLP's site, I used Jena website 
> as reference for parts of their new layout and general organization. If you 
> open both sites and, you may find they are 
> both very similar.
> And we don't have to necessarily use Jekyll. If the consensus is for another 
> tool (e.g. Pelican, Hexo, JBake, etc) we just need to confirm with Apache 
> Infra if they are able to run the same tool in their automation pipeline.
>> One thing we do benefit from currently is content fixes via CMS - we may 
>> have to change that. I guess there is no jena.staging.a.o? It becomes local 
>> Jekyll build?
> As far as I know, that is right. However, users can run something like 
> `jekyll serve`. I like the current process, but if you have a great change, 
> it is hard to get feedback without committing to SVN, having some draft in 
> the staging area.
> With the gitpubsub + some static site generator. Or we can even share our own 
> GitHub fork website. OpenNLP template has an issue with extra paths, so this 
> is broken, but we can work to have Jena website working correctly, and send a 
> pull request to opennlp's repo:
> So if we have a new repository like, then I could 
> fork it under, work in my own fork, prepare pull 
> requests, and include a link like I prefer 
> this approach to having to `svn commit` to preview in the staging area.
>> A project can have more then one git repo so I guess we can choose whether 
>> to use the main repo or not.  Our site .svn is 2.2G (probably all those 
>> javadoc changes). Or a separate repo git-include-submodule in the main one?
> Oh, very good point. OpenNLP has/had the same issue. Not sure if that was 
> fixed. Their old docs are served here: 
> I believe it's done here: 
> Though not entirely sure how it works. I can join the Slack channel next week 
> and check with them. The first version of the site included all the old 
> javadocs, and was quite slow to check out and build.
> There was some service interruption during the Apache Infra automation 
> set-up. But given OpenNLP just went through the process, it would be simpler, 
> as we could just tell them to look at the job and instead of Maven/JBake, run 
> jekyll or whatever tool we choose. I would be happy to volunteer and create 
> ticket to create jena-site repository in GitHub. Then once we have the site 
> being generated there and we have validated it, I can create the ticket for 
> INFRA to set up the automation, and switch from svnpubsub to gitpubsub.
> Cheers
> Bruno
> ________________________________
> From: Andy Seaborne <>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, 12 November 2017 4:56 AM
> Subject: gitpubsub
> On 09/11/17 20:51, Bruno P. Kinoshita wrote:
> ...
>> However, I'm +1 for moving our site to Git.
> What changes if we go for gitpubsub?
> All I know about it is the bullet point on 
> If I read that right, no CMS because CMS is svnpubsub only.  Is it a 
> "big bang" switch to Jekyll? That isn't too scary but it is a step-change.
> One thing we do benefit from currently is content fixes via CMS - we may 
> have to change that. I guess there is no jena.staging.a.o? It becomes 
> local Jekyll build?
> A project can have more then one git repo so I guess we can choose 
> whether to use the main repo or not.  Our site .svn is 2.2G (probably 
> all those javadoc changes). Or a separate repo git-include-submodule in 
> the main one?
>     Andy

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