A quick look at the maven script show that there is a MAVEN_DEBUG_OPTS
environment variable that it uses.  You could cause the mvn startup to stop
and wait for the eclipse debugger to attach to it.  Not sure what you would
be stopping on though after that.


On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 1:51 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 29/03/18 13:41, Claude Warren wrote:
>> just to double check, do you start with a clean?
> mvn clean? Yes.
> Also started with a completely empty maven repo this morning.
> And I've rebooted the machine :-)
> Might be an issue with an older/newer version appearing somewhere.
> The release plugin checks for SNAPSHOTS.
> So the dry/real difference is version numbers have been advanced.
> And I can't run this in the Eclipse debugger.
> Going old school with System.err.println.  Bad memories.
>     Andy
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 1:01 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I've started to do the release.
>>> However, I've encountered a test failure that only happens with
>>> "release:prepare". The -DdryRun=true is fine, and it has never occurred
>>> on
>>> Jenkins.
>>> What's more, it's an NPE and the line reported can't NPE
>>> line 57, TestRDFConnectionFusekiBinary.java which is :
>>>     assertTrue(FusekiLib.isFuseki(dsURL));
>>> no object access!
>>> As it only when running the release for real, the only way to investigate
>>> is changing master and the release plugin may demand that changes are
>>> pushed to origin so there may be some commit-foo happening.
>>>      Andy

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