I've linked my account (many months ago). It changed nothing at all, not in 
Github, not elsewhere. I think we need to make the move for the project as a 
whole before that happens.

(At a conference, but will try to reply to the larger migration question 
today-- TL;DR: I'm in favor.)


> On Dec 11, 2018, at 6:37 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> Committers -
> Who has the link up for pushing to GH directly?
> https://gitbox.apache.org/ -> "Link GitHub and ASF accounts"
>    Andy
> On 10/12/2018 16:11, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> I confess I don't completely understand the details/changes here
>> "either the ASF repository system (gitbox.apache.org) OR GitHub for your 
>> development and code pushes"
>> unless you can mix-and-match, in case anyone does not want to forced to have 
>> a GH account. gitbox.apache.org says "will be granted write-access on both 
>> services (gitbox and github)" if you have your GH account linked to your 
>> Apache account (which I do).
>> The other unclarity is what happens about JIRA integration. We have managed 
>> to get people to use JIRA so whatever we may think about it at a technical 
>> level, we do have as a communication path.  The Q has been asked on the 
>> infra list but no response yet.  The text about either service sort of hints 
>> that that if there is an integration, it works on both access points.
>> JIRA is useful during a release to find changes since last time. Obviously, 
>> GH issues and labels can be used for that but we need to set that up. There 
>> again, a clearout of old dead stuff would not be so bad!
>> We have a release sometime soon (ish, maybe, whatever) and I think my only 
>> issue is controlling the switchover point in time, sooner is better, and 
>> otherwise we do it and see what happens.
>> For workflow, if we have to fix on one tailored to GH or gitbox.a.o, shall 
>> we go GH? If it's both, we can start being more GH on our own timescales.
>> Thoughts?
>> Let's discuss for a few days and if nothing arises, run the vote.
>>     Andy
>> But please, not go back to SVN :-)
>> On 09/12/2018 20:47, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>> Hello Apache projects,
>>> I am writing to you because you may have git repositories on the
>>> git-wip-us server, which is slated to be decommissioned in the coming
>>> months. All repositories will be moved to the new gitbox service which
>>> includes direct write access on github as well as the standard ASF
>>> commit access via gitbox.apache.org.
>>> ## Why this move? ##
>>> The move comes as a result of retiring the git-wip service, as the
>>> hardware it runs on is longing for retirement. In lieu of this, we
>>> have decided to consolidate the two services (git-wip and gitbox), to
>>> ease the management of our repository systems and future-proof the
>>> underlying hardware. The move is fully automated, and ideally, nothing
>>> will change in your workflow other than added features and access to
>>> GitHub.
>>> ## Timeframe for relocation ##
>>> Initially, we are asking that projects voluntarily request to move
>>> their repositories to gitbox, hence this email. The voluntary
>>> timeframe is between now and January 9th 2019, during which projects
>>> are free to either move over to gitbox or stay put on git-wip. After
>>> this phase, we will be requiring the remaining projects to move within
>>> one month, after which we will move the remaining projects over.
>>> To have your project moved in this initial phase, you will need:
>>> - Consensus in the project (documented via the mailing list)
>>> - File a JIRA ticket with INFRA to voluntarily move your project repos
>>>     over to gitbox (as stated, this is highly automated and will take
>>>     between a minute and an hour, depending on the size and number of
>>>     your repositories)
>>> To sum up the preliminary timeline;
>>> - December 9th 2018 -January 9th 2019: Voluntary (coordinated)
>>>     relocation
>>> - January 9th -February 6th: Mandated (coordinated) relocation
>>> - February 7th: All remaining repositories are mass migrated.
>>> This timeline may change to accommodate various scenarios.
>>> ## Using GitHub with ASF repositories ##
>>> When your project has moved, you are free to use either the ASF
>>> repository system (gitbox.apache.org) OR GitHub for your development
>>> and code pushes. To be able to use GitHub, please follow the primer
>>> at: https://reference.apache.org/committer/github
>>> We appreciate your understanding of this issue, and hope that your
>>> project can coordinate voluntarily moving your repositories in a
>>> timely manner.
>>> All settings, such as commit mail targets, issue linking, PR
>>> notification schemes etc will automatically be migrated to gitbox as
>>> well.
>>> With regards, Daniel on behalf of ASF Infra.
>>> PS:For inquiries, please reply to us...@infra.apache.org, not your
>>> project's dev list :-).

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