On 09/12/2019 20:51, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 09/12/2019 16:26, ajs6f wrote:
I'm not sure why I would want to use a clunky and less-functional (no reply-to to comment on PR, non-formatting-aware) email list instead of the more powerful_and_  more pleasant GH system.

No one is asking you to.
It is not either-or.

GH tools remain untouched as they are today.
 >> PR discussion is done on GH

 > any comment on a PR creates at least three email messages in my inbox,

One of the copies, the useful message, you get is direct from GH, not via ASF (assuming you have GH notifications on)

1. Turn off auto-mirroring of all PR comments (which now starts once a ticket is mentioned) from GH to Jira.

 >> all PR traffic to pr@

 >2. Put PR comments on a separate pr@ list to record them.

 >> all PR [email] traffic to pr@

The only difference here is whether JIRA goes to issues@.
Anyone can combine their email into one folder (as they can separate it today). The difference is really on the archives.

missing the other big benefit - the dev@ is more approachable for people dropping in and showing an interest.

The one thing we still JIRA for because there isn't "issues" on GH
(and they are weak as a long term record IMO).


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