On 06/06/2015 16:59, Felix Schumacher wrote:
Hi all,

to enable the SMPT Sampler to use a higher TLS version than TLSv1 it seems to be necessary to change the SSLContext.getInstance call in TrustAllSSLSocketFactory from "TLS" to "TLSv1.2".

We can't make that value the default one, since I believe it will prevent connections to servers with older TLS versions.

So it seems, we should make it configurable. Should this parameter be made visible in the gui, or should we make it a system property?

Must: As a jmeter property (in jmeter.properties file)

Better: In addition of the jmeter property, a combo list in the SMTP sampler.

The same thing is probably useful for the supported CipherSuites.

Yes probably. But the list will be long I think.

What do you think?

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