Am 06.06.2015 um 17:59 schrieb Felix Schumacher:
Hi all,

to enable the SMPT Sampler to use a higher TLS version than TLSv1 it
seems to be necessary to change the SSLContext.getInstance call in
TrustAllSSLSocketFactory from "TLS" to "TLSv1.2".

Any idea why? When I test java HTTP connectivity, then "TLS" is able to connect TLSv1.2 if the JVM is new enough end the server supports it. "TLS" in getInstance() is not very wel documented, but in general seems to support al TLS versions trying to use the newest one supported by both sides.

There's also the possibility to set enabledProtocols() which does not support the string "TLS", but only the explicit protocol versions. But even without setting enabled protocols and just sticking to defaults,I can get a TLSv1.2 (HTTP) connection with Java 8 and e.g. a TLSv1 connection with Java 6, both creating the SSLContext via getInstance("TLS").

Is there a public SMTP server which can be used to observe the problem you see?



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