Philippe>- switch everywhere to R1 (also in commons-math)

Can you please clarify why do you prefer R1?

I'm inclined to R8 (as it is recommended by R for sample quantile

1) I think interpolation would reduce run-to-run variance.
2) Interpolation-like estimation is easier to implement. For instance, if
HdrHistogram estimator is added, then its result would be closer to R8
rather than to R1.

I don't think "the result of 90% is one of the sample response times" is
important. The important stuff is how system under test behaves, and it is
not something tied to a single execution. What I mean is R8 kind of
computation should better approximate the true percentile value than R1
would, and it is the true value that is important to compare and report as
a test result.


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