Sorry, for the confusing email formatting. Of course, the way it is
displayed in the mail does not reflect the original source code
formatting, but i think you catch my point: i'm not very happy with
breaking up lines that are only 120 chars long......


2017-12-21 10:37 GMT+01:00 Peter Doornbosch <>:
> I wonder why you break up lines like these
>          useBrowserCompatibleMultipartMode = new
> JCheckBox(JMeterUtils.getResString("use_multipart_mode_browser")); //
> $NON-NLS-1$
> into
>             useBrowserCompatibleMultipartMode =
>                     new
> JCheckBox(JMeterUtils.getResString("use_multipart_mode_browser")); //
> $NON-NLS-1$
> IMHO this does not improve readability, but makes it worse.
> Moreover, the description says something about "max line length 165",
> the line above is only 120 chars.
> I admit max line length is also a matter of personal style, but i
> couldn't find any docs about what JMeter prescribes in this matter.
> Given no official rules, i would be careful with changes that won't be
> seen as improvements by all of us (your PR does contain a lot of
> changes that _are_ evident improvements).
> My 2cts.
> Peter
> 2017-12-21 8:33 GMT+01:00 ham1 <>:
>> Github user ham1 commented on the issue:
>>     Sorry, yeah I see how this is difficult to review. I tend to change 
>> things as I see them in the file I'm editing. I will revise and split it up 
>> into one type of change per commit, is that ok? It might be more than 10 
>> files but should be easier to review.
>> ---

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