
I think it is a good time to migrate build system to Gradle.

Can you please express your opinion on that?

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Philippe> No reason except time and volunteers.
Philippe> If you’re willing to do it, I’ll be more than happy .

What I do remember is:
1) "Maven is slow, so repeated builds would be very slow"
2) "Maven is bad for highly customized cases like JMeter".

I'm not sure if there are other points, so feel free to add.

#1 is very true since Maven builds modules one by one with no
parallelism in mind. Maven is quite slow to startup and parse build
configuration as well, and it is bad at incremental builds.

However, Gradle has parallelism in mind, and Gradle has daemon mode
(which is enabled by default), so repeated builds are super-fast. In
fact, it would probably be faster than current Ant build.

#2 is true as well. Maven configuration is a bit of a pain when you
build non-trivial jar/tar structure.
Gradle however allows to resort to "shell command" or things like
that, so it should simplify things.

I'm one of pgjdbc maintainers (PostgreSQL JDBC driver), and a couple
of years ago there was migration to Maven.
It did simplify things, however I would recommend going with Gradle rightaway.

Felix> We have one long standing contribution that we didn't integrate (yet)
Felix> from Emilian Bold. He started to migrate the layout of our source code

I think we should be just fine to migrate in a single go.
In my experience, you can't predict the desired Gradle layout.
If we do multiple relayouts, it would just disturb people workflows
multiple times. I don't think it is a good idea anyway.


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