On Sun, 24 Feb 2019 at 21:27, Vladimir Sitnikov
<sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've added some Gradle scripts: https://github.com/apache/jmeter/pull/448
> It does not build any jars yet, neither it runs tests.
> However it does load dependencies, so the code is green for me.
> I do move files around to allow test and implementation to be colocated
> (src/main and src/test folders)

Is is absolutely necessary to move the files around?
One reason we did not use Maven was that it meant moving all the files around.

> I'm using IntelliJ IDEA. Can anyone else check other IDEs? Does Gradle
> project load?
> I'm not sure how eclipse.classpath and eclipse.project files work, however
> I guess those files should be deleted, and

They are starting samples for the Eclipse .classpath and .project files.

This is explained in eclipse.md and in
which is referenced on the main page

It looks like the README.md file does not have any such information.
There should probably be a separate BUILDING.md file with details for
the various IDEs.

> https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/buildship-gradle-integration should
> be used to load the project.
> PS. There's extras/ant-jmeter-1.0.jar. I think we'd better move it out of
> the repository or compile it during project build.
> Vladimir

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