
For record, and not a blocker for next release (we can update website just after release):

1/ in https://apache.github.io/jmeter-site-preview/site/changes.html#Known%20problems%20and%20workarounds
I suppose that this sentence can be remove:
"JTable selection with keyboard (SHIFT + up/down) is totally unusable with Java 7 on Mac OSX. This is due to a known Java bug JDK-8025126 The fix is to use JDK 8 b132 or later."

2/ In https://apache.github.io/jmeter-site-preview/site/svnindex.html
We can remove Gitbox link since this link is an automatic redirect to Github.

3/ In https://apache.github.io/jmeter-site-preview/site/building.html
We need to update this page with the requirement to Java 17+ for building JMeter

And on the same page, perhaps change "You require IntelliJ 2018.3.1 or newer." by "You require IntelliJ recent version."

I not sure that "Compiling and packaging JMeter using Eclipse" working (last time I try to do this, was a fail).


On 31/12/2023 11:16, Milamber wrote:

The first release candidate for JMeter 5.6.3 (6c2a009159) has been prepared, and your votes are solicited.

JMeter is a Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. The current version targets Java 8+

This release restored binary API compatibility with pre-5.6.2, and bring some fixes.

Please, test this release candidate (with load tests and/or functional tests) using Java 8+ on Linux/Windows/macOS, especially on the changes.
Feedback is very welcome.

You can read the New and Noteworthy section to see improvements and full list of changes at:

Download - Archives/hashes/sigs:
(dist revision 66365)

RAT report:

SHA512 hashes of archives for this vote: see footnote [1]

Site preview is here:

JavaDoc API preview is here:

Maven staging repository is accessible here:


Keys are here:

To create the distribution and test JMeter: "./gradlew build -Prelease -PskipSign".

JMeter 5.6.3 requires Java 8 or later to run. *But, now JMeter 5.6.3 requires Java 17 or later to build binaries.*

The artifacts were built with
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle Corporation (build 17.0.9+11-LTS-201)   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle Corporation (build 17.0.9+11-LTS-201, mixed mode, sharing)

Some known issues and incompatible changes are listed on changes page.

All feedback and vote are welcome.

[ ] +1 I support this release
[ ] +0 I am OK with this release
[ ] -0 OK, but....
[ ] -1 I do not support this release (please indicate why)

The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.

The PMC members please indicate the mention "(binding)" with your vote.

Note: If the vote passes, the intention is to release the archive files
and rename the RC tag as the release tag.

Thanks in advance!


[1] SHA512 hashes of archives for this vote:


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