On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Rob Heittman
<rob.heitt...@solertium.com> wrote:
> I think this is good news, in that it gives some time to develop a good
> strategy before self-hosting anything.

We had already moved the git repo for JRuby off Kenai, and we had made
the decision to get our own JIRA instance set up. At this point, I
don't see us turning around and going back to Kenai, mostly because we
want everything under jruby.org domain and subdomains (Kenai does not
yet provide this feature to regular projects) and because I think
we've grown up enough as a project to run our own set of services
(plus we have EY infrastructure and admin help if we need it).

> In between contemplating my own wiki pain for my own projects, and tweeting
> with @RichardConroy about why more people aren't using more JVM languages, I
> really feel there is a void here that needs to be filled.  I also feel like
> it needs a bit of a "big think" and don't expect it to be filled brilliantly
> in days or weeks.  Kenai itself is/was a really good effort, and regardless
> of whether it gets open sourced or emulated in a new solution, I think
> there's room for something new.  I have yearnings!

Yeah, when I asked Ted Farrell about open-sourcing Kenai, he made it
pretty clear that it's too complicated to try to do right now, what
with license/code-vetting and whatnot. That would probably be the
ideal situation, since we could move it somewhere and use the
infrastructure. But for now, it seems like it would be simpler for us
to consolidate services under jruby.org and manage them ourselves.

We're certainly open to discussion on this though :)

- Charlie

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